Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

She is a beast!:yoinks: after a fast trim her full size is impressive, the Mazar should have at least 100 gr. or 150, i'll report for sure:headbang:




Hugs Arty!:bighug:how you doing mate?:pass:
Big Hugz for you too @TheMongol :bighug:
All good thanks buddy!:thumbsup:
So much the better for having a grow on and first time as an outdoor grower!
You corn field girls look amazing, good work there brother!:headbang:
If I get going earlier in the year next year, I may have to follow your example and have an A-Maize-Ing corn field grow!
9 months no grow at home (indoors) really did make me feel sad! I love to grow my own and it brightens my world.
The guerilla grow best thing I have done in a long time.
New guerilla grow journal starting on the weekend , after I have snapped some new pics!
I hope everything is going well your end, it won't be too long until your are enjoying your crop!
@St.Tom Thanks for the rep slap :slap: :bighug:
Always happy to help fellow AFN members!:headbang:

The short start to finish list, could be helpful for next years outdoor comp.
My plan would be to select the best and have a fast strain olympics.
The Sprint - Which strain is the quickest! (which is why I am really going to do this, all the other events are superficial and just for giggles but still interesting)
Other possible events could be -
Weight Lifting - Best overall weight
Iron Woman - Pest and Mold Resistance (Iron woman because we grow girls)
High jump - Most up and at'em (sativa) high
Long Jump - Longest lasting high
Shot Put - Most Narcotic Indica Stone
If I can think of more events I'll add them as I do.

The point will be to see, which strain in a real world test will give the fastest results and so not to be relying on breeders times!
I'm pretty sure I have a sheet with even more fast finishing autos!
I will also make a list of shortest height autos and a most narcotic autos list, when I have a moment!
Finally a the last list would be Pest and Mold resistant strains list, which will probably be a ton of Afghani Auto strains.
I will make a new thread for each, as it will be useful to have a go to page, where such info can be found by the members.
Hey there outdoor growmies!

I haven't signed up for the outdoor grow this year. I should have! @Waira
But at least I can share a few pics of what I've been up to in the UK country-side.

Sawney and Dank sorted me out for some amazing beans to start with.
Around May and through June to even early July I'd drop sets of seeds into small cell pots.
Throw them into a community / shared greenhouse.
Let them show a set or two of true leaves.
Then drop them into some small rough holes in the ground in selected places.
Sometimes water when it gets really hot and dry.
And maybe feed once when starting flowering and again after the stretch with some organics.
That's it, pretty simple and easy, let nature do the work for me.

This is really just a lesson in how I grow right under everyone's noses.
People are walking about 10 yards from these plants every day...
Cut four very small ones already, and here are pics of at least ten more, three almost done, the rest by end of Sept.

Already pulled a couple of very small Auto Blue/Strawberry Nuggets.
They were started in early May, when still cold, wet, and were chewed by slugs.
More about the smoke on that, below.

My present most mature girl is this camoflagued Auto Lecter.

Luckily the surrounding area is still fairly green, so these don't stand out against a brown/yellow straw background.

Same girl, up close:

Yeah, she's about reading to chop!

The colors have come through nicely.
She has the purps on the outer edges, but also some inner calyxes have purple too.
Will probably take her down ... some time between now and Sunday.

I think she's about 9.5 weeks old. That's pretty fast for outdoors in the UK!
Small plants, yes, so no big yield, but plant a bed full of these and the numbers will give you the quantity.
For UK outdoors, the most important thing is speed and quality at speed.
Hit that window of June, July and August, and get the harvest in before the weather turns crap!

Her younger sisters nearby, two more Auto Lecter girls, one month old from dropping the seeds, three weeks from sprouting.

The same two Auto Lecters, individually, first the taller one:

And the smaller one that's a bit shaded:

Another cute pair, one Auto Lecter(front?) and one Auto Blue / Strawberry Nugget (back?):

Again, the same two individually, first the Auto Lecter:

Then the Auto Nugget:

And more, the third pair, one Auto Lecter (right?) and one Auto Nugget (left?):


And individually, the Auto Lecter:

And little Auto Nugget:

All the above are in the same area, a space of around a few square yards.
At this rate, I figure they'll be finished around late September.
Not even sure if I'll be around to harvest them, damn!
Hopefully this dry weather should continue until then.

Meanwhile, over in another location not so far away...
This pair of cuties, another pair of Auto Lecter girls, same age as the mature one above:

Individually, the one on the right, showing many fresh pistils, still pushing them out, and needing at least another two weeks I'd say:

And on the left, a bit more mature, still needing another week, as she's not quite as far as the other one at the start of this post:

Hung up two little micro-plants to dry two days ago.
No pics here, but they were the tiny tiny ones, not sure what they were, maybe Purple Moon Rock, or Lecter, or something, haha!
Small and tiny but they have the sticky icky, so that's good in my books.

All credit to @Sawney_bean and @Dank Nuggets -- blazing one for you two!

Oh, tested the Nugget the other day in a bong.
Haven't used a bong in so long I forgot to block the release hole at the back.
Thinking, WTF, why won't it draw?!?! Hahahahaa! And I was straight at the time!!
Anyone, once I figured out what the hell I was doing wrong, a single bit hit was superb!
I'm a lightweight these days, but that was a damn fine single bong hit.
Was still feeling it hours later, though the main high was about 60-90 minutes solid.

Can't wait to try the Auto Lecter smoke!

Love and hugs,
To be honest I like plants with a 60 day cycle if possible. I have ear marked some strains with a 55 day cycle and the odd one with a 45 day cycle (or even less)!!

Fast Auto Strains,
Most strains listed here are sub 60 days strains, for the most part!
These are breeder quoted times, so it is possible they can go a few extra weeks.
Pheno variations, may also mean that, some plants take longer than others!
I am posting this list as a rough guide, don't quote me on the times!
These are the fastest autos I can find.
  • Sweet Skunk Auto - Sweet Seeds - Finish Time - 7.5 Weeks
  • All the Red Family from sweet Seeds say - Finish time of 56 Days

The short start to finish list, could be helpful for next years outdoor comp.
My plan would be to select the best and have a fast strain olympics.
The Sprint - Which strain is the quickest! (which is why I am really going to do this, all the other events are superficial and just for giggles but still interesting)
The point will be to see, which strain in a real world test will give the fastest results and so not to be relying on breeders times!
I'm pretty sure I have a sheet with even more fast finishing autos!

I can confirm that the Sweet Seeds' Sweet Skunk is extremely fast, and also extremely sticky.
Small little plants, but they are excellent quality.
And I feel that the Sweet Seeds' strains in general are pretty quick and close to the breeders' times given.

For UK guerilla growing, the need is for speed!
Just plant a lot of them to make up for the yield!

These Lecters and Blue Nuggets above, are hitting around 56-63 days.
And that is whole life outdoors, no sneaky indoor fast-start with my plants this year.
I can confirm that the Sweet Seeds' Sweet Skunk is extremely fast, and also extremely sticky.
Small little plants, but they are excellent quality.
And I feel that the Sweet Seeds' strains in general are pretty quick and close to the breeders' times given.

For UK guerilla growing, the need is for speed!
Just plant a lot of them to make up for the yield!

These Lecters and Blue Nuggets above, are hitting around 56-63 days.
And that is whole life outdoors, no sneaky indoor fast-start with my plants this year.
You're spot on Sweet Seeds, pretty much all their stains are fast finishers at 56 or so day!
In comparison to Seed Stockers, where most of their strains finish at 10 weeks/70 days!
It comes down to the strain they use to make the original photo to auto cross!
The Seed Stockers strains will undoubtedly grow larger, seeing as they have an additional two weeks of life.
As I mentioned earlier 70 day autos are still fine for me but If I need to shave those two weeks off a finish time, I would have to chose another seed bank!
I have some Wedding Glue and Candy Dawg from Seed Stockers, in my guerilla grow but I have no problem with them taking a little longer, than some of the other strains.
A staggered crop just makes it easier to process!
Non comp plant, the Sweet Seeds Zkittlez that for what ever reason flowered early is getting a bit of harvest done! I have been getting a ton of rain lately and the temps are over 90 deg F and humidity staying pretty constant around 100% here the last week. I took a few of the big tops off this plant as I was spotting a few signs of rot. With flowers this big you can't risk it for sure they are bigger than gallon milk jugs and pretty much ready they could have gone another week but no sense risking it. I left a lot on the plant still only taking the most massive and dense nuggs off the top. Solid flowers way too dense for the environment they were in.

They make this 32 oz coffee creamer bottle look small lol

A few of the tops were as big as my forearm and Im pretty lanky at 6ft 3 in

I can't even get my massive mitts around the flowers. I wear a size 12 wedding band and can palm a basketball pretty easily

This was one of my smaller plants this season I can't wait to see how the rest of these flower out this season. I know from running indoors that the Grandpas Stash throws down massive nuggs I can't wait to see how they do outdoors!
Sweet Seeds Chem Beyond Diesel CBD
@Waira update on the photo's
@Sweet Seeds
@Sweet Seeds Apolo
@Sweet Seeds Jay
This Chem Beyond Diesel CBD is a beast of a plant standing over 8 ft tall ( Im guessing no real measurement but I cant touch the top of the plant when extending my arm all the way) she is easily over 6 ft wide now and starting to spear up a bit. Flowering is starting to show and this plant is very happy. I can't wait to make bubble hash and press it into rosin for tinctures and edibles! I'm expecting to pull somewhere around 3 to 4 lbs off this girl this year from what I have seen indoors during flower should be no problem....