Indoor THC Bomb Auto Fem / Pro-Mix / HID Grow For Noobs

thats some frost hash!!!

And they still have a long ways to go yet !

Zero amber showing under magnification, 1/3 just starting to cloud, 2/3 crystal clear.

So..... this is going to be some ass kicking pain and sleep meds once matured, dryed, and cured.

I just went to take a pic of the twins since they are now on the end of the 6'X6' space. The 2 slightly shorter girls are on the opposite end so they don't show.

Snapped the damn pic the exact same second the HPS timer kicked in....

Oh well, here's the twins... or as much as I could get of them in one pic anyway....

Both are 4 foot 1 inch tall. Start of Day 73

Some wide body, jumbos there man! :thumbsup:


Yeah, and I've only got 2 pipe holders for support on the original tall girl.

From there I just pack them in so they basically support and compete with each other.

When I pull em out they are going to flop open like huge flowers from the weight.

Especially the shorter heavyweight mutant indie pheno... that one has nothing but monster rock hard buds.

She's in the back corner right now trying to push out 2 walls and the other plants :d5:

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I hate waiting for dry and cure, I end up smoking fresh bud eventually transitioning to cured and when its cured im usually out..... had to ditch the 4x4 and build a 9x6 lol
When I move and get more space, I hope my 2 60x60cm tents will be used for photos and to get a 120x150 tent for autos.

@HashMaster, this is exactly what we children need!
Well he's a good teacher !

Here I'm not trying to teach a whole bunch really, I'm more into getting people to research and to think for themselves. THAT is how one learns to read plants IMHO.

That's probably what Elvis got you to do as well I'm guessing....

For me it's impossible to teach how to read plants and also how to defol as you must be able to read plants to defol. Everything else could be spelled out in black and white.

I could list off do A, B, C, and don't do X, Y, Z but in the end what would a noob learn ?

Nothing for their next go round methinks....

The best teacher makes his students think!

Yeah.... about that....

Keep dreaming my friend, once you start you just keep adding more and more and the next thing you know you've got a big building with a clone room, a pollination room, a mother's room, a veg room, a flower room, and a drying room !

I won't be around, but in about 30 or 40 years you be sure to tell everyone how you only INTENDED to grow 2 a year back when you started.

Just look what happend to me...
Now I got two tents indoors, plants outdoors, 3 seedlings too much and 9 clones. I started this hobby in medio March this I plan a farm...
If I'm running regs and plan on pollinating I drop 1/3 a bit early and then the rest together maybe 4 or 5 days latter.

This has always worked for me.
Just a clarification; do you mean 1/3 of the number of seeds craked?
When I germinate photos in the future, I will try to isolate males, rather than murder them and collect pollen. I have this fantacy of playing arround with some crosses and make autos from African marijuana land races. I better stick to mother plants and stay away from pollen, but if I can manage proper isolation...
Will just tuck that bit of info away in the corner of my mind with all the other little bits for future reference! Thanks @HashMaster for the tip and thanks @Dudeski for knowing to ask!!
Don't you have a notebook? :coffee:
I have one notebook to document and monitor my plants and one notebook for general notes and ideas. I strongly recommend reading while holding a pen. Often I just write ugly notes on a piece of paper and rewrite it in the book afterwards or some days later. I learned, both by experience and from my academic supervisors, that the most analytical and creative thinking occurs when you sit down and start writing about your observations. Re-writing notes also strongly stimulate memorization of the info.