Weekly Update
  • So here are the Thai Passion seedlings, still very short, was out of town for a few days, going to put them in solo cup size bags today.

    On a side note, I took some clones from a different auto project I’m working on. These are about 3-days old now.


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    Weekly Update.
  • Sorry for the lack of post. Been neglecting my grow.
    Still have yet to up-pot them from shot glasses, post 3-weeks later. One started to flower out, it’s a male. I’m gonna continue on with this grow and still uppot later today. Will update with pictures. And might pop another 2-3 just to compare because I’m sure they have been stunted from being stuck inside shot glass size cups :face:
  • Here they are after being left outside for over a week cuz I forgot to transplant them :doh:.
    The one on the left is actually GodSpin Auto, it was male and I didn’t have space for it so I had to chop it.


    Here is the male ThaiPassion of the bunch. Gonna uppot then hopefully see what happens, might end up saving some pollen for a seed increase or some fun chucking