OLD REVIEWS Auto sativa recommendations

I'd like a tag, too, please!
Will do! Busy with my current run, but next run is getting popped today. Been staggering out my grows by a few weeks.
Thanks! And for the pics, too :D

Those night-lights... are they for the smaller plants and don't "bother" the big girls, or just stakes?
Those night-lights... are they for the smaller plants and don't "bother" the big girls, or just stakes?

Those stakes were to add in a little light at night, my buddy has some much stronger ones and said that’s what he does to give them some extra light at night in his area of the world so I bought a few to try it out but they are so dim it ain’t worth it :crying:

Not sure if they’ll bother the bigger photos ones some they are in veg but they might cause a problem so I’ll most likely end up removing them unless I can find some legit solar lights that are bright enough.