Indoor Tha Shiznit

Holy freakin gynormous lady Bear.. nice work bro :kusht:
Wowsa! This is NICE, I am looking into the dutch pro nutes as well. They look like they are doing wonderfully! Where did you get the nutes out of curiosity? I think I am going to get them now

I got it from Texas Hydroponics.
They have decent prices and I believe are the sole distributor for DutchPro in the US.
They DO NOT have sales rep that use the product, at least in my conversations with them. Every time I have spoken with them, they had to refer back to literature that is available online.

And "pete" the mailbox holder for DutchPro is not responsive either.
That is a MAJOR sticking point with me. Product support.
So even though I am very impressed so far with this product.
Buyer beware.
Thats funny I spoke with TH Friday, I am originally from Austin and have known those guys for almost 10 years. I spoke with the owner of the store and he said that he's used them now and he seemed to be very knowledgeable about the DP nutes, he said that they have very little salt buildup and are almost clear(I don't know if that is good or not) but he also said he doesn't think the autoflowering line is anything but diluted regular DP nutes. I was kinda wondering that, what specifically makes the Autoflowering line different from the normal DP line of Nutes?
Thats funny I spoke with TH Friday, I am originally from Austin and have known those guys for almost 10 years. I spoke with the owner of the store and he said that he's used them now and he seemed to be very knowledgeable about the DP nutes, he said that they have very little salt buildup and are almost clear(I don't know if that is good or not) but he also said he doesn't think the autoflowering line is anything but diluted regular DP nutes. I was kinda wondering that, what specifically makes the Autoflowering line different from the normal DP line of Nutes?

Well, Then the Austin Manager needs to have a discussion with the managers in the other stores. I can assure you I will be giving him a call this week. they have 4 or 5 outlets and the folks running the Houston store and San Antonio have no info other than what they are handing you on a black and white print out from the internet. Basically an old stoner running the Houston warehouse, that knows plenty, just not about this product, And SA has couple of younger guys that again seem knowledgeable,, but couldn't answer questions beyond what is on the printout.
So far, I have known more about the product than ANY person I have spoken with that was merchandising the product, and the manufacturer is not responsive to questions via email which is very frustrating.
And I really don't know what the difference is.

Like I said, product performance has been impressive, but I have sent 3 emails to DutchPro over a 4 week period over a month a go. No response.

Even when the product is great, unresponsive companies concern me.
Yes that does concern me as well, call the store in Dallas that is where the owner of TH is and that is who I spoke with he answered every one of my questions and was acutally really well versed as he uses DP nutes himself, and you can tell when someone knows there stuff and doesnt. I could tell he was the owner but I cannot for the life of me remember his name. If you would like I can call back and try to get his name so you can get ahold of him specifically because not having access to your questions is VERY frustrating.

I am a botainst and horticulturist and I asked lots of pretty high brow questions and this dude was on point with every answer and I could tell he actually KNEW the stuff and didnt have second hand info. I will try and call now and see if I can get a name for you because I think he will probably be your best source of info here in the states because it sounds like he deals with DP directly and has had probably all of the same questions I had or you may have.
I just spoke with Ryan in the Dallas store, he is Dutch Pro's Only US Partner, he said "give the msg boards our number and we can field any and all questions" THe dude is legit. The number is 214-744-4769(I hope posting the number isnt against any rules if so delete and PM me). I have a feeling that he will be able to answer most if not all of your questions. I hope this helps get you some answers.

He said the reason your emails havent been responded to is because the emails have to get translated first and there program is really really slow sounds like he has had the same problem.
Thanks Derek!
You deserve some rep slaps!

I will definitely give him a call this week.
As I said, I am pretty impressed with the product by and large, but I want to know that before I encourage others to use the product, there is support.
And I have some technical questions that someone needs firsthand experience with the product to answer.
Tha Shiznit -Hey hey hey!

Day 54

58" tall 33" x 48" wide- Slowin her stretch down
She is definitely tree-ish
Thick main branches and robust secondary and tertiary branches.
Growth is good and problem free so far.
She is a fat bottom girl with lots of branching. I am using three lights on her in hopes of giving her what she needs.

Water- tap ph avg 6.5 EC .37
Feed is
CalMag+ - none
Hygrozyme @ manufacturers recommendations
These are added first
Then Dutch Pro MultiTotal and TakeRoot @ manufacturers recommendations
Dutch Pro Autoflower Bloom A & B added in equal measure until EC is 1.2
adjust ph to 5.9 after adding nutes, allow to fluctuate between 5.3-6.2

Light-270w LED GB Prototype
2 Additional 4 bulb 2' HOT5 GB Prototype (xto remote ballast running 24" "new coating" t5 bulbs")

I run my lights 24/0
Ambient temps run around 73-84
rez temps 60-74

Thanks for looking!



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Thanks Derek!
You deserve some rep slaps!

I will definitely give him a call this week.
As I said, I am pretty impressed with the product by and large, but I want to know that before I encourage others to use the product, there is support.
And I have some technical questions that someone needs firsthand experience with the product to answer.

No problem man, like I said I have personally dealt with TH since 06 or 07 and they were always really knowledgable, and I could tell you were probablly wanting to know some of the same things I did and this guy is the best source of info on DP nutes. He uses them himself so that really helps I think. Thanks for the rep slapsky as well it was my first lol
Tha Shiznit -Hey hey hey!

Day 61 Days

59" tall 33" x 48" wide- We are fully into flower
She is definitely tree-ish
Thick main branches and robust secondary and tertiary branches.
Growth is good and problem free so far.
She is a fat bottom girl with lots of branching. I am using three lights on her in hopes of giving her what she needs.
Smell is stanky, rotten fruit skunk.

Water- tap ph avg 6.5 EC .37
Feed is
CalMag+ - none
Hygrozyme @ manufacturers recommendations
These are added first
Then Dutch Pro MultiTotal and TakeRoot @ manufacturers recommendations
Dutch Pro Autoflower Bloom A & B added in equal measure until EC is 1.5
adjust ph to 5.9 after adding nutes, allow to fluctuate between 5.3-6.2

Light-270w LED GB Prototype
2 Additional 4 bulb 2' HOT5 GB Prototype (xto remote ballast running 24" "new coating" t5 bulbs")

I run my lights 24/0
Ambient temps run around 73-84
rez temps 60-74

Thanks for looking!




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