Tent metdown!

I had Sour crack in 10L normal pot and 15L airpot. SC in 10L was bigger, so I guess 10L is enough for this strain.
My problems were not the promix , nor the dolomite lime.
I pulled the humidifier when I realized shit was messed up. Ordered new promix. Transplanted and started new seeds...no dolomite lime at all.
When things seemed to be on track, I added the humidifier back to the tent. Growth has been slower than I expected, the last couple days and I chalked that up to root development. Today, there is no denying...6 plants...no growth for 3 days.

I'm gonna burn this humidifier
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That's weird,I wonder what the exact connection is. Do you keep track of temp and humidity?
Do you have alkaline water? Humidity with residue on the leaves, especially underneath?
That's all I can think, unless there is a weird temp/humidity issue.
My water is pretty decent. I've given Waira the specs from city records, in the past. He gave it the thumbs up.
There is no sign of moisture anywhere on plants. The room is 23% RH, so I'm not surprised.
The thing is...2 plants made it through the transplant and started growing nicely. I don't recall exactly when I reintroduced the humidifier but it really seems to be about the time I noticed growth stall.
I've got a couple of big f*ck off sledge hammers mate I'll nip round and smash the shite outta that humidifier!! What a bloody nightmare man.

I really hope all your problems get cleared up real quick mate. I feel for you.
And just to say it again, that sour crack is flipping awesome man! I seriously can't believe the main cola on her :drool: