Tent metdown!

Hey @Muddy . I was just wondering what organic mix that you're using from Lowes? Lookes like I may have to find an alternative to Vigoro organic from Home Depot. Thanks

It's Harvest Organic Potting Mix. It does have some bark in it, which I could do without, but it was only $8 a bag and I didn't have to drive an 80 mile round trip to get it. I mixed in about 1/3 Black Cow, some extra perlite, humic, minerals and myco. The pH dropped to mid 5s so added some lime. My plants are doing good, so seems to be okay.
It's Harvest Organic Potting Mix. It does have some bark in it, which I could do without, but it was only $8 a bag and I didn't have to drive an 80 mile round trip to get it. I mixed in about 1/3 Black Cow, some extra perlite, humic, minerals and myco. The pH dropped to mid 5s so added some lime. My plants are doing good, so seems to be okay.
Thanks Muddy !
Plants stopped growing.

I started 2 Beary Whites 3 weeks ago. After 2 weeks, they quit growing. I ended up yanking them and started 2 more. It's not looking good for these either.

I also started 2 HBSS 2 weeks ago. First set of true leaves looked like crap a couple days in, and growth has halted, for the last 5 days.

Also....This may have nothing to do with dying seedlings but my Sour Crack, which was looking beautiful, also quit. She has the beginnings of some really nice buds forming. She quit in the same time frame as seedling problems.

Things I can think of, that are different:

I got a new filter for my humidifier and started running it when first seedling showed.

With humidifier running, RH is 50%.
If I fail to fill reservoir, as I often do, RH drops to 30%.

I bought Promix BX and perlite from a grow shop, instead of Amazon.

I added more powdered dolomite lime to medium @ 3 tbls per gallon.

Other than that, I can't think of any changes.

I will give pics with more detail in a few.

Ass you have noticed I had similar problems at my actual..go forward to read..
:smoking: hey Yeats!
...so, why did you add so much dolomite to the Promix? It has two lime sources in it already, and this peat based medium wants to run a bit low in pH than true soil does...( oh, right A-Train's tinkering,.. I have to catch up with him on that, we did talk a bit about it; but your grow parameters and nutes aren't his, nor are the issues you're having vs what prompted him to do this.. I'm dubious about the dolomite addition, but A-Train is a fine-ass grower, so his tinkering is his call... it may not translate over to yours though, is the point! :eyebrows: .... And of course, a bad batch of mix is a possibility... I'd test the crap out of that bag, starting with a pH reading, and a run-off ppm measurement... mix up a blank pot, 1/2 gal or so is fine
...SC plant aside, (same mix and amendment?), none of this is environmental that I can say,... only common link is the medium; have you taken pH readings? You see with all this dolomite, it might be forcing the pH higher than it should be as mentioned by Jingo,..BUT dolomite is slow acting, and won't raise your pH above 7.0 or so,... however, if it's too much all together, maybe there's a competitive ion uptake issue (something akin to toxicity) interfering with nute uptake,.. speaking of which, what are you nutes and dosage, if you've started yet? Promix is very weak with nutes, so feeding should start within a week,... And what the water source? ...Those lower leaves look like P defc. to me,...

you were in with that SC before, right? That's looking FUBAR I'm afraid,... did I say K defc.? K tox looks similar ironically, but there's no other signs of overfert'ing,.. Again the pH reading is key Yeats, I'm half blind without it,... a more remote possibility is this is simply a wonky pheno', and the nute issues made things worse,... such poor bud set is more of a sign of P defc. than K defc.,...

that´s to heavy for me
I can't tell if leaves have gotten worse, or subsided. Budding seems to have picked up the pace. Maybe I'll limp across the finish line.

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Anyone know if the difference in smoke/potency is notable in sick girls?

Btw Waira, I neglected to comment on the curling of the serrated leaves. You are right...she had a couple days to close, @ 18", to the Cobs, a couple weeks ago.

seems a little bit frosty...:pass: