Tent metdown!

...K damage doesn't correct, maybe it's worse on one side? LOL! ...yes, weak/brittle stems are a symptom of K defc.,...
My point with A-Train and the very high addition of dolomite is that what worked for him, may not for others, and i warned him of this high input,... I don't recommend tinkering with such mediums much unless you yourself had such severe issue that Ca-Mg supp's didin't help.. problem with dolomite is it is slow acting, so may not take affect until late in the game, meantime, one see's no improvement and starts adding more Ca-Mg,.. then the dolomite may start reacting, and then it's too much! pH becomes a bitch to keep lower, won't stay, toxicity issue may pop up, and worst, with all that in the medium already, there's no taking it out! Again, until there's a solid pH reading in-pot, the right call is uncertain,.. you can take a TDS/EC reading of water-only run-off, just to see what kind of ionic load is in there,... Roger that on the water! Too many to remember all the details sometimes,...
unless you yourself had such severe issue that Ca-Mg supp's didin't help
Exactly. I have been battling CalMg issues @ around day 30. Using General Organics CalMg+ @ recommended dose, hasn't helped.

BigSmo uses 2 different CalMg supplements. I may try that, idk.

I have no fancy meters, other than a pH pen, which I have neglected to take care of. It has been stored dry. This could give faulty readings right?

I will have a new pH pen & solution, and the the Accurate 8 soil meter within a few days.

You say k def. won't correct? So, if you get k def. you're screwed?

Thanks Waira, I'm trying to get the things needed. Until then, I guess I will stay the course.
No new growth, across the board for seedlings. All 4 transplanted.
Beary White [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

Beary White [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]


These three were planted today. No dolomite lime.

HBSS [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] This was transplanted yesterday into a second run medium, from recent harvests.
... oh my yes, improper storage of the pH meter will ruin it quickly,... they are sensitive devices, and need frequent calibration using specific solution made for this; most use 7.0 and 4.0 to calibrate... rinse well after every use with RO/Di water! store using the right solution, to protect the electrodes functions,...

>> using different Ca-mg sources is fine; they are made using a variety of compounds, but usually a carbonate and/or nitrate, but some use sulfates too,.. the variables in any given pots' chemistry and pH can have effects on the relative availability on the different formulations, so using more than one type with different compounding can't hurt! The CaMg+ is all carbonate, and if the pot is off pH it may not favor this formulation vs. others,...
..sorry, bad term use! By correct, I mean the damage done to tissues by the defc. will not heal or reverse, like N or Mg defc. symptoms will unless the tissue is badly affected or dead,...
... oh my yes, improper storage of the pH meter will ruin it quickly,... they are sensitive devices, and need frequent calibration using specific solution made for this; most use 7.0 and 4.0 to calibrate... rinse well after every use with RO/Di water! store using the right solution, to protect the electrodes functions,...

>> using different Ca-mg sources is fine; they are made using a variety of compounds, but usually a carbonate and/or nitrate, but some use sulfates too,.. the variables in any given pots' chemistry and pH can have effects on the relative availability on the different formulations, so using more than one type with different compounding can't hurt! The CaMg+ is all carbonate, and if the pot is off pH it may not favor this formulation vs. others,...
..sorry, bad term use! By correct, I mean the damage done to tissues by the defc. will not heal or reverse, like N or Mg defc. symptoms will unless the tissue is badly affected or dead,...

I figured. That's why I haven't been pH'ing feeds. I will have that sorted soon.

Okay, kewl. I expected it to look worse, before better.

I will keep this updated, for anyone interested in the outcome.

Thanks a ton Waira.
I can't tell if leaves have gotten worse, or subsided. Budding seems to have picked up the pace. Maybe I'll limp across the finish line.


Anyone know if the difference in smoke/potency is notable in sick girls?

Btw Waira, I neglected to comment on the curling of the serrated leaves. You are right...she had a couple days to close, @ 18", to the Cobs, a couple weeks ago.
..oh yeah, she's doing just fine Yeats'- :d5: -- very cool, she looks a lot like Asian Sativa's do with those narrow, pointed spires for colas! She's a different pheno' for sure,... Mitch might have some insight about this,...
:greenthumb: leaves look about the same, so I'd say you corrected this defc. well! ... keep in mind right now she's eating up the P-K fast as she makes those nice buds, so sometimes getting caught up on the defc. takes some time,...
..seedlings might be a lost cause bud,.. depends on how badly shocked they were by the transplanting, how much the roots were disturbed,... some steer out of it okay, other stunt out,.. are you using anything like SuperThrive or Jump Start (vit.'s and hormones for shock, rooting stimulation)? Did you test the bag Promix for pH and ppm's in run-off yet? Part of the answer is there dude,... to determine if you got a shit bag, or the dolomite is mucked up the CEC in there,...
..oh yeah, she's doing just fine Yeats'- :d5: -- very cool, she looks a lot like Asian Sativa's do with those narrow, pointed spires for colas! She's a different pheno' for sure,... Mitch might have some insight about this,...
:greenthumb: leaves look about the same, so I'd say you corrected this defc. well! ... keep in mind right now she's eating up the P-K fast as she makes those nice buds, so sometimes getting caught up on the defc. takes some time,...
..seedlings might be a lost cause bud,.. depends on how badly shocked they were by the transplanting, how much the roots were disturbed,... some steer out of it okay, other stunt out,.. are you using anything like SuperThrive or Jump Start (vit.'s and hormones for shock, rooting stimulation)? Did you test the bag Promix for pH and ppm's in run-off yet? Part of the answer is there dude,... to determine if you got a shit bag, or the dolomite is mucked up the CEC in there,...
Thanks to the help of you folks... SC will be okay.
There are 2 distinct pheno, I gather. One being decent size, like this. Had I known, I would have used a 5 g. pot.
I do have a journal for this. I wouldn't mind updating here, as well. I may run into a question here and there, if that's kewl witchu.

I agree with the seedlings being a lost cause. I'm gonna give em a couple days anyway, just because my tents empty.

I gave all seedlings 1 Liter, with 2ml voodoo, piranha, B-52. And .5ml Grow, Micro, Bloom, CalMg+.

As far as testing...I will have to wait until I get the appropriate meters. When I do, I'll be sure to test it and let you know, to (un)confirm suspicions.

Thanks again Waira. Big help.
New growth!

3 out of 4 seedling transplants were successful.

Beary White [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] before




