Tent metdown!

:jointman: mo' bettah! sometimes, what's happening above the soil isn't the main show, it's below where the action is, especially after transplanting! Get some Superthrive, this stuff is gold when the plants are root-hurt,...
Here's Sour Crack today. She looks haggard but she's packing the weight now.

Main cola

I've never had a deficiency, this late in flower, other than Cal.

I'm wondering, should I feed till the end or start on straight tap water next?
:d5: F'-yeah she is! :clapper: Amazing what a little extra P-K will do, right?! I'd still give her 5-7 days of water alone prior to harvest, though you can slip a hit or two of molasses in there during this time (1tsp/qt),... also, try to finish her on the dry side, so she dries a little quicker, and the dry seems to promote a bit of terpene improvement, anecdotally speaking,..! How's she smell Yeats'?
:d5: F'-yeah she is! :clapper: Amazing what a little extra P-K will do, right?! I'd still give her 5-7 days of water alone prior to harvest, though you can slip a hit or two of molasses in there during this time (1tsp/qt),... also, try to finish her on the dry side, so she dries a little quicker, and the dry seems to promote a bit of terpene improvement, anecdotally speaking,..! How's she smell Yeats'?
Thanks man.
Okay, I will give her a couple more feeds then, she's still got a couple weeks left, I'd say.
I use Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy. I assume this has similar results to molasses. I'll try the molasses though. I have noticed Bud Candy makes all plants smell similar.
Harvesting dry and terpene production sounds legit. I usually do dry them out. I've been curious about harvesting a little wetter. The air is so dry here in winter, a 4-5 day dry in paper bags is the norm atm.
She smells great Waira. Unfortunately, I'm a cigarette smoker so my whiffer isn't as tuned as I'd like, for a great description. Also, as mentioned, it has that familiar Bud Candy smell.
Holy crap mate this all passed me by! So glad your SC seems to be ok. She's a flipping beast! Absolutely stunning plant mate.

Hope all the seedlings keep getting better too.
Holy crap mate this all passed me by! So glad your SC seems to be ok. She's a flipping beast! Absolutely stunning plant mate.

Hope all the seedlings keep getting better too.
Thanks man. All thanks to the fine folk of AFN!

I actually yanked all but the 2 youngest sededlings. A third may have pulled through but I'm gonna be in a pickle with space so she didn't make the cut.
How tall is that crack mate? She's got a monster main cola! Gotta be the biggest of any crack I've seen.

Sent from my bedroom using the neighbour's wifi
:smoking: hey Yeats'! I'm not sure what all is in Bud Candy, but I can tell you molasses will not in any way affect flavor directly, if at all period! Nute elements get in, sugars don't really, but the 'crobe herd benefits, ramping them up so they cycle nute elements faster, thus benefiting the plants,....
Mephisto's GC is one of their smallest strains, so I'm not so sure 5gal would have up'ed the yield that much.. you're is a biggie, and the pointy tips isn't her usual pattern... I'd show her off and tag Mitch in the Mephisto section, just to get his impressions,...:headbang:
:smoking: hey Yeats'! I'm not sure what all is in Bud Candy, but I can tell you molasses will not in any way affect flavor directly, if at all period! Nute elements get in, sugars don't really, but the 'crobe herd benefits, ramping them up so they cycle nute elements faster, thus benefiting the plants,....
Mephisto's GC is one of their smallest strains, so I'm not so sure 5gal would have up'ed the yield that much.. you're is a biggie, and the pointy tips isn't her usual pattern... I'd show her off and tag Mitch in the Mephisto section, just to get his impressions,...:headbang:
Thanks for the info bro.

I know SC is supposed to be a smaller strain, hence the 3 gallons. What leads me to believe I may have been able to get more with 5, is that the pot is all roots man! I can barely squeeze 2 liters of water when super dry. And I always water very slow with breaks, to ensure proper absorption.

I am journaling her in the Mephisto section so I've had an occasional like here and there, from them. I'll be sure to tag him next update.

Thanks again, for checking in...My man, 50 grand!