DIY Television Armoire Grow Box aka BayLee420 goes Stealth

.can't wait to get this thing going!!

You're just gonna love the new set up. I get a kick out of mine. The space is just big enough for my needs and it's making my growing easier.

When we get a space in growing time. We should do a Stealth Cabinet grow contest.
I was thinking the same thing...I'm game for it.

Get your feet wet on the new project. Run a grow or two and then we can go at it.

LEDs VS MH/HPS. Mephisto Genetics only (just because I don't do any other breeder)

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I cannot see anyone doing a tent vs tent grow...B...O...R...I...N...G...but a DYI grow stealth cabinet vs a DYI grow stealth cabinet.. Now your talking.

I got you in my sights dcat
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First of its kind TV cabinet grow off...

Been here three years and haven't seen a DYI TV grow cabinet thread besides mine. I've had pm's from AFN growers wishing they never got rid of their TV cabinets.
We may be on to something here.

With the way TV's are set up now. TV cabinets are old fashion and most people have no use for them. I got mine at 50% off from Sauder, just because no one is buying them anymore.
There is one point that I forgot to add. When you put in the Intake vent. It needs to be on the opposite lower corner of the Exhaust port. That way the fresh air will cover the entire grow space.
There is one point that I forgot to add. When you put in the Intake vent. It needs to be on the opposite lower corner of the Exhaust port. That way the fresh air will cover the entire grow space.
Oh yes that's my plan...that's how it's set up now I just need a bigger intake vent.
Listen up this talk about a DYI cabinet grow off. I got my little box that started out as a 36" wide kitchen sink base unit. I have added to it's height, another 12" on top of what in this picture.Would it fit the rules? I think it's floor is 22"x35". Sporting 4" HV fan, CAN carbon filter and a pair of MarsHydro 300w old model LED's. I would be game for a no holds barred any grow media(soil or hydro), any light set up Mephisto GROW THROW DOWN!

Size does not matter...To be a Stealth cabinet it needs to seen from the unknown eye as a regular piece of home furnishing. That can be constructed/refinished of any material of any size. It also needs to look aesthetically pleasing to the eye. No slapped together plywood cabinets that are not finished off. Even old used refrigerators can be made into a very nice grow cabinet. One important rule is that from the outside it must look like it's original design w/o any clue that it's growing ganja inside.