Grow Room First grow box build

Lessons I've learned, grow room: 3 weeks in.

1. Get a temp/humidity meter with a wireless remote. They're cheap and worth every penny, you'll thank yourself later when you can maintain your environment easier by keeping it closed up.

2. If you can afford it, buy the timer outlet for the light. Set it and forget it is the way to go.

3. Similar to 2, get a hydro outlet. They cost a little bit more, but being able the put a humidifier and/or dehumidifier in place that turn on and off as needed will save you in electricity, headaches and you can buy cheaper, unregulated devices that are cheap to replace later. They make them with high/low settings and a separate plug for each device. Set it and forget it (other than refilling/dumping water reservoirs.

4. Set the grow box up and run it empty to make sure everything is working and synced up. Waiting a few extra days beats bringing your plants out of shock. Get your temp and humidity to ideal ranges before putting plants in there and then adjust your hardware.

5. There are a million different "best ways" for everything to do with growing. Research a ton of them and take a middle road until you get hands on experience. Sometimes the best hardware is only better in the hands of an experienced grower.

6. Anticipate the issues for your growbox personally. If you live in a colder region, expect to buy insulation. Humid? Expect to buy a humidifier. Dry? Expect to need a dehumidifier. But most importantly, set up your box with the basics and run it while its empty to see what you actually need before buying it.