DIY Television Armoire Grow Box aka BayLee420 goes Stealth

So I have a friend giving away the item in the pic I have attached so I'm going to try to make something like you've done just for the hell of it. Have a full roll of Mylar film and 2 Mars 300 lights (will just use 1) and I'm going to try to make my own stealth grow box. Once I get going I'll either post here or create my own post...this should be fun!! Thanks for all the tips and tricks here!!

Post your Stealth project here. Maybe it'll be a sticky someday.
I think he said they are little solar powered dancing flowers...just for a little fun I'd guess.
Well it looks like it worked out real good for you. A bit of this for your efforts. :slap: What the little flower things on either side of the plants?

Just a little fun things to have in there. Solar powered wiggle flowers. a Kaelble truck, a Mercedes Benz convertible and a white duck. It's my hobby growing autoflowers...gotta
I'm dropping seeds either Sunday or Monday so once I get it going I'll continue in this thread for sure!
Was thinking of doing deep blue C...
Good choice. Not too powerful a strain. A fruity Northern Lights buzz. Heads Up. The strain can get some funky leaf curl in veg and throughout the entire grow. No need to worry....Just let them ride. Seems to be normal for this MG strain.

I have a better time now to read your posts here on the stealth cabinet of yours. Although i did one..its cool to see your set up..

Ok quick question. What's the best way to lower my temps? I put in a 4" exhaust fan in upper I just need a bigger fan or something pulling in more fresh air? I have a new 6" fan to circulate the air better but haven't put it in yet...
Ok quick question. What's the best way to lower my temps? I put in a 4" exhaust fan in upper I just need a bigger fan or something pulling in more fresh air? I have a new 6" fan to circulate the air better but haven't put it in yet...
Throw the 6" exhaust fan in. Better to have better negative pressure. My armoire doors will close themselves when the MAX 6" is on #2 (of 3 speeds). Is there a speed control? If not no biggie.
I have speed control on the 4" now. Should I replace it with a 6 and use the 4 for intake?
My 6" is an oscillating fan not an inline...thought I should clarify that
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I have speed control on the 4" now. Should I replace it with a 6 and use the 4 for intake?
My 6" is an oscillating fan not an inline...thought I should clarify that
Air circulation is key. A 6" exhaust and an intake holes of twice the size as the exhaust is all that's needed. I added a 12" floor register cover from a hardware store for my intake. It's louvered so I can adjust the intake air. I have wide open anyway. I'd try that before adding more electronics (4" intake fan) that may not be needed. The more the air circulates it will eliminate many issues as mold for instance. Think of a breezy spring day. That's what you want in "VEG" and a breezy autumn day in FLOWER. The 6" oscillating fan is perfect as long it's breezy and not at a gale force wind. Mimic the outdoors inside. Even the room that the cabinet is in needs to be open to air. Normal room environment should be more than adequate.

The whole idea of the "stealth" is to be stealth. The flippn' thing looks like a TV cabinet. :doh: Enjoy your new grow room. You'll be very pleased and I am impressed. It really feels good to be able to throw an idea out and see someone take it and do it. That's America.
uncle sam.jpg
Sweet!! I'll increase the size of my intake tomorrow when I get home. If I can do this without buying anything else I'll be stoked!! Only thing I didn't already have was a timer for my lights. Everything else was stuff I bought then upgraded so it was just collecting dust so I think that's a pretty good deal.
I appreciate all the help and the main idea for this @BayLee420...can't wait to get this thing going!!