Mephisto Genetics Tasty LED T-22 cob, & Mephisto. 9 plant s.o.g

Day 53 update. One at a time.
Gold Glue [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]... twin towers lol. Very deep stinky girl when ruffled...
Sorry about hps lighting in pics.
Still utilising them for a couple of shorter gold glues.
This lady lives under cobs though.
Grape Crinkle [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]..
Mmm mmm mmm. Just fantastic terp profile happening.
I think both of these grape crinkles are just gorgeous. Hope they restock soon.
Grape Crinkle [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]
And last two Gold Glues [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]&4, shortest two. But definitely not the least!!! Both these girls under 400w hps.
Both of these are solid reekers!!!!
Hope people got on these during sale.
4 assed monkey x 24carat!!!
Come on!!!
Day 53. Gold Glues 3&4
Very nice grow! Happy birthday Mr.CHeeZe
Thanks Marga...
Btw, using a 50/50 potters gold, with coco mix.
Loving it.
All benefits of potters gold without compaction. More aeration.
Biggest benefit for Michigan growing is access to potters gold soil.
Highest grade soil in a bag i've seen.
And i pay less than $20.00 a bag.
Im gonna do a gbd super soil with potters gold next round of planting.
Thanks Marga...
Btw, using a 50/50 potters gold, with coco mix.
Loving it.
All benefits of potters gold without compaction. More aeration.
Biggest benefit for Michigan growing is access to potters gold soil.
Highest grade soil in a bag i've seen.
And i pay less than $20.00 a bag.
Im gonna do a gbd super soil with potters gold next round of planting.
Yes, have been using it for a few years. I have to drive about an hour to get it, but it’s worth it. I recently found Biobizz light at the same store, bought a bag to give it a try. Never saw it in any Michigan stores I have been to. I still prefer the Potters Gold.
Yes, have been using it for a few years. I have to drive about an hour to get it, but it’s worth it. I recently found Biobizz light at the same store, bought a bag to give it a try. Never saw it in any Michigan stores I have been to. I still prefer the Potters Gold.
Yeah. That's funny.
My grow shop also carries biobizz nutes.
Have not seen them anywhere in states in years.
Roots Organics soils have came complete with fungus gnats. Both times i've purchased.
Potters Gold is just such fine quality, and well rounded.