Indoor 1st cob grow. with Tasty Led, & mephisto genetics

Day 13.
Plants are just exploding!!
Still getting a little light stress each adjustment up. So i raised light to 20 inches. And dimmer to around 40%.
Lots of secondary branching happening.
Really starting to see just what this light is about!!
Thinking im gonna continue to be impressed...
Day 13...
Day 15.
Plants are starting to really want sum light, without any new stress from too much light.
At day 15, these are some of the most developed ive had this early.
Especially grape crinkles, that are in center of the space.
Still this light spreads the coverage so well that all areas doing well...
S.o.g nine plants, day 15
Day 18.
These lights have some serious power.
STILL not at even 50% power. Hanging height is almost 20inches. And still getting minor light stress on leaves. But, they adjust to intensity pretty fast. At 18 days 8of9 are just exploding. The 9th plant is also doing good. Just a much smaller plant. Have had those smaller explode in the stretch, this plant, a double grape, has a ton of branches on her 3.5inch size. Think she will take off in next week as well.
Expecting them to show sex in next couple days.
Super impressed with my T-22 so far. More so by day...
Day 18, 9plant s.o.g
Day 19.
Still getting stress signs on leaf edges, and am still as far as i can tell under 50%power!
Plants are eating well, taking up their water, and nutrition just fine, opposed to a little N claw on one Double Grape, and a little on a grape crinkle. But they are literally the fastest plants I've ran yet. And really betting its the light lol.
So as long as light stress stays in check, no complaints on their overall health at all...
Also most seem to really be taking to the Emerald Harvest nutrient line up, aside from minor N shock on two mentioned. Besides that those two plants are very vigorous, and will curve the levels a little. Using the 3-part grow micro bloom, with the 4-part additives.
Only 7bottles in nute lineup with the 3-part. Very moderate dosage amounts. Should get quite a few plants fed out with these quart bottles. Out the door price was also just under $200.00.
Which so far im calling a deal.
Anyways. Will chill on updating for a week or so. Really hoping to drop some jaws this next update...
Til then
Alright Alright Alright!!!!
Day 27. Things are getting busy.. tons of secondary branching. Beautiful fatty stems. Giant fans.
Finally have power up to 100%, and hanging height at around 15in. Which should be dead on for 2.5×2.5...
8 of 9 are showing pistils. And getting into stretch. One double grape hasn't put out any pistils yet, but is showing female, and entering stretch. So any day now.
These 3000k are supposed to be fast finisher. And these particular mephisto ladies are known for finishing fast, and frosty!!!
So should get pretty.
More to come.
Alright Alright Alright!!!!
Day 27. Things are getting busy.. tons of secondary branching. Beautiful fatty stems. Giant fans.
Finally have power up to 100%, and hanging height at around 15in. Which should be dead on for 2.5×2.5...
8 of 9 are showing pistils. And getting into stretch. One double grape hasn't put out any pistils yet, but is showing female, and entering stretch. So any day now.
These 3000k are supposed to be fast finisher. And these particular mephisto ladies are known for finishing fast, and frosty!!!
So should get pretty.
More to come.
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growth explosion looking good :d5:
Hey T.
Been busy. Also have a viparspectra 450, running 206watts at wall. Pushing a 22day old s.o.d.k and a AvT. And hooked my hps back up to run out 4-sour crinkle.
So lots going on.
Also running two different nutrient lines. Emerald Harvest 3-part, and roots organics 5ml schedule.
How much area can your telos push???
Looking into getting a panel. Only really good thing about viparspectra is price.
I would like a panel as well though.
So after i add a couple more square feet of cob power, going to look at grow northern...
Wish they still had those hs1's though.
Hey T.
Been busy. Also have a viparspectra 450, running 206watts at wall. Pushing a 22day old s.o.d.k and a AvT. And hooked my hps back up to run out 4-sour crinkle.
So lots going on.
Also running two different nutrient lines. Emerald Harvest 3-part, and roots organics 5ml schedule.
How much area can your telos push???
Looking into getting a panel. Only really good thing about viparspectra is price.
I would like a panel as well though.
So after i add a couple more square feet of cob power, going to look at grow northern...
Wish they still had those hs1's though.
i think the telos covers a 90 x 90 cm area:smoking: