Take the Boveda Challenge!

I too want to thank Boveda for the gift package.

I may well be out of touch with things, but there was lots of emphasis on smoking, not a mention of vaporizing. From your knowledge of this market, how common is vaping now vs. smoking?
Do I have to own a company I just put F.N. I don't own a company I put consumer and cultivator. I love to take the challenge I grow lots of bud.
Nope, you just have to promise to do the challenge where you cure some with and without Boveda then report back
using the question card provided :)
looking at the pictures these c Vaults look kinda small do they by chance come in lb size .... um asking for a friend
Lol ... they fit a 7 to 14 grams I'd say. Enough that you'll get a good amount of bud cured with Boveda and without Boveda.
You'll ingest after with the papers & king palms provided and report back :)
I just signed up. I've actually used (and use) Boveda packs with my cigars, so they definitely are legit for keeping humidity where it needs to be.

I probably won't be harvesting until mid January, so I'll be able to try with and without the Boveda, and see what the difference is.