Sweet Seeds sweet seeds red poison extensive journal

so some things are changing here at losman farms

new tent being installed later this month 10x5x7 and like i said in my last post i will be using bigger pots . probably some smart pots but have not found any tall enough. so i will post later about this new set up.

as of now lady num 1 is reaching 6 inches in diameter looking good thoigh .\
buenas noches,

well hey there just here to say hi and whats up to everybody.

things still looking optimal and ladies are doing very well.

I just want to point out that as of yet being today week four no sign of sex and or explosive growrh. She seems to be growing a node a day unless i blast her with co2 wich she goes to a node and a half.

I plan to let them go to week 9 or 10 so i will be dropping a few more beans next week.

On a different note I have ordered different kinds of AF to try autopounder with cheese and a few others i cant remember at the moment:smoke:

i figured i would try a few others along with these RP.Im still going to do several RP grows just wanted to change it up a little. you know how you get used to the same meds , gotta change it up. lol.

well i know its been a few days, its going to be a few more prob wont be back till ladies do something else. have to prepare for bigger and better things here at losman's farms.

Buenos dias,

well i ssaid i would be back when something changes so this morning i noticed #1 started to grow uneven so i guess it is starting its bloom stretch although its not rapidly growing. Today i will change the lights to 20/4. i will continue grow nutes until upward growth stops.

will post in few days. on progress #2 is doing good and growing strong.
i watered them yesturday #1 3/4 grow #2 1/2 grow

So on the other note..... just got new tent in the mail and so i will be under construction for a few days. i will keep you guys posted on ladies threw out construction. i will say that im sorry if my notes get a little less descriptive. got a lot going on. but

Oh yeah be poping new beans in water for 24 hr soak on thursday
5 gal pots medium ffof 50 and promix 50, and to that mix 30 perlite. top 3 inches straight promix and perlite
will also put hormex in hole for bean for better root development

first two are my mexican se~orita shes 6 weeks in bloom yumm stativas. so white bucket is #1 green bucket is #2 girls in the back early queen
hey guys just dipping in real quick to post on here. ladies looking good #1 starting upward stretch speeding up a little. #2 is starting to stretch also she is also stsrting to uneven nodes so shes is starting her bloom phase.

on the other hand still under construction here at losman's farms hopeully this weekend ill be done with the new room will post pics soon
buenas noches,

real quick update ladies doing real well i have been blasting with c02 for a hour every night. they are stretching and looking real healthy week five no sign of sex yet.

praying that i can finishing this new room this weekend leveling the floor has been quite tricky. lol. but just wanted to say that. lol

poped 2 beans in shot glass tonight will be planting them straight into a five gallon pot with medium, will post pics tommorrow if i finish everything.
hey there guys quick update

the girls are doing great!

#1 and #2 have both shown female sex and on we go.

1 has started its explosive growth started to reach and is sitting at 10 inches from soil.
note.... 1 showed her sex yesterday ... without microscope.... but it did it a week later than 2 ....

2 is starting her explosive stretch and she showed sign of sex today
note... i have only given minimal amounts of nutes to two and she seems happier..... from sprout she has been just a tad bigger....

20 on 4 off is the light schedule


started 3 and 4 on sat popped out today looking great will post pics later this evening

oh on the other note new room is built and is stellar will be test running her soon :thumbs:
Nice just harvested green pheno red poison. Smells musty with hints of berries. Switched scent on me during chop to almost menthol skunk. Really wicked.