Sweet Seeds sweet seeds red poison extensive journal

Awesome KUDO thats the true Question. What are the numbers your numbers for feedings grow to bloom. :smokebuds:

:bong: Well im kinda disapointed in the research i have done on AF lately. Honestly there i'snt much out there. I see the great advantage of doing a journal here for the experience on hand, so thanks to everybody for reading and posting.

Having a little delay today i live in the artic and the weather today has stopped us in our tracks. Cant even take the snow machine out to store its so bad out. Blizzard in effect expect 11 inches of snow today . So I am lacking perlite so i cannot soak my beans today."Grrr"

I have to say that the few smoke reports i have read the yield hasnt been very high> That being said i didnt get the complete info on those grows.
I hope to get a z plant. I think that at least 1 z a plant is worth the investment in purchasing viable genes, the time, nutes, and love we give to each and every one of our grows.
I will still do the six grows, to perfect this beautiful lady and give her a honest love and attention that i can provide. So when the blizzard subsides i will head out and get perlite.
Buenos dias mi jente,

Well wow its been ruff day yest and tdoay. Crazy ass storm. I have been doing snow removal since tem am on my place two feet of snow in one day. Crarz! 10 hr no power genertor busted but finally back on track. :High 5:

:thumbs: So now im done with digging out my rig from under all the snow fired her up warming her up, so i can head into town for my perlite. Yay!

In about ten minutes I drop my babies beans in some h2o for 24 hrs and then to to my soil.

Finally I have been sitting on said beans for several days now and I feel like a kid in a sweet store. lol. see what i did there lmao:X's Evil Laugh x:

i will post up some pics of my current situation for some eye candy, but first i have to prepare for the journey with this beautiful lady RED POISON!.

so i had to show of my shot glass from spain next to the spanish seeds. lol Que viva espana mi jente!!!!!!!!!!!!

So a little on what is going on in my rooms wel in bloom currently have a Mexican senorita, I got her genes in Mexico great times.

In my veg i have 3 early queen sprouts that i started a week ago . The big one in veg is another Mexican gene but that is straight indica no stativa no hybrid nothing its my base for my experiments.:X's Evil Laugh x:

So all my grows i LST them and will be doing this to my RP . SEE everyone soon
Buenas Noches ,

Well i have had to change my medium setup. Not What i expexted ut it will have to do.

1. five gallon pot has FFOF 30 percent and promix 70 percet mix

2. five gallon pot has 30 70 mix at bottom 6 inches, top is all promix

As I went to the only store in town that caries grow supplies, it was closed. Its not easy to get what you need when you need it up here but hey thats life and thats also growing.

So I have gotten my pots ready, seeds soaking, and room cleaned. Moving my other ladies to another location so i can focus on theese while my partner takes the early queen and give them the attention they deserve. so thats is that. see you all later
Buenas noches,

Busy days around losman farms. lol So today planted beans in five gallon pots. I had watered them yesturday and todays after 24 hrs of soaking beans sank to the bottom of the shot glass. Then they went straight to there new homes. They are in my veg room with 24 hrs on. I will slowly lower the light down to 18/6 as the weeks progress. they will then stay at 18/6 untill they are ready.

So my partner will be taking one of the three early queens and test it and i will keep the other two and do my own testing.

Really excited to see what these babies will do . pic when sprouted.

Good Luck Bro..,,,its The Best Weed Ive Smelt And Very Tasty smoke..
Sweet and Delicious ...
They can Eat a Some food too ...
:stylez rasta smoke:Nice setup my friend,
thanks for the updates and good luck with the rest of it ;)

keep it sweet!
Los She Can Eat And Can Grow Very Large ...
Id Sugget Ease heron the First grow ..Feed
Like Fish Emulsion 5-1-1 And a Good Bloom.for her Can Be high ..She will.take good Boosters too ..
She goes Very quickly in Veg and Can start flowering Very early ..
At 7 days she will take a feeding and Like it from there ..
Ill be along So Just ask a way bro
Also shes gonna MakeUr Nose Fall.in.Love ...she smells the Best !!!!

Dont expect to Have alot of Buds but what U get is Connesouir type Stufff.
Los She Can Eat And Can Grow Very Large ...
Id Sugget Ease heron the First grow ..Feed
Like Fish Emulsion 5-1-1 And a Good Bloom.for her Can Be high ..She will.take good Boosters too ..
She goes Very quickly in Veg and Can start flowering Very early ..
At 7 days she will take a feeding and Like it from there ..
Ill be along So Just ask a way bro
Also shes gonna MakeUr Nose Fall.in.Love ...she smells the Best !!!!

Dont expect to Have alot of Buds but what U get is Connesouir type Stufff.

Muchas Gracias, swamp man

So here my Nutes Im using GH MaxiGro 10-5-14. MaxiBloom 5-15-14 also use cal mag 2-0-0 . Tigerbloom 2-8-4.


My idea was to give them 1/4 strength maxigrow on week 2 , week 3 1/4 strength maxibloom and 1/4 stength cal mag. Week 4 1/2 strength maxigrow. Week 5, 1/2 maxigrow and 1/2 strength cal mag. and so on untill upward growth stops. Probably week six i will flush. What do you think

:Thank You:
Its Hard to Detail the whole.Grow ...
I just force Fed a Hefer out of 1Quart ...medium and she is very large ..
Sounds Like U will Have a Monster to Bear fruits..

Enjoy as we will as much as You ..
In My Signature Sweets From Da Swamp Im.About to Harvest one In a Weeek or So ..
I smoked A Red Poison at 63 days shes SWEET im trying to Get around 68 but shes closing fast too