Indoor Stunted grows stuff

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Thanks all for the kind words, encouragement, Rep etc, it is greatly appreciated :bow:
I do intend to go easy on all the plants fullauto and see how they go....hopefully green and not yellow..

Most of the sprouts are nearly tall enough for some sand and Hydroton, hoping to get that task completed tonight so I can drop the light down a bit.

Stunted Info
Last night I fixed 8 plants up with a layer of DE, then a layer of sand(1cm) and then a layer of Hydroton, so that only leaves another 26 to do......but I am now out of Hydroton :(
Seriously thinking of popping another 10 in a day or two.
Also the HPS was dropped down a bit last night.

Stunted Growing
Things be changing fast in the cab now :)

Pic from this morning.
Group_26_Apr_2012 [1024x768].jpg

And look, they are not yellow.....yet
They all have DE + Sand (with DE in it) and some have a topping of Hydroton and others some vermiculite (until I find something better).
All air entering my cabinet is pulled through a filter, there is a sticky fly paper in there and I have some Mosquito Dunks coming soon thanks to someone here (thanks man, you are a life saver :bow:)
I am hoping that is enough to stop any Fungus Gnats, I really hate them and am trying damn hard to keep them all outside!
For some stupid reason we here in Aus are not allowed to have Mossie Dunks so I have to get them sent from the U.S.

I received a new ppm meter yesterday as my older EC meter has gone spazzy and will not show .2 or .3, it shows .1 then jumps to .4
The new meter was calibrated with the supplied calibration solution and what the new meter and the old meter say is completely different from each other :P
The EC meter reads way lower than the new one, so it is possible I have been slow cooking the babies for a while.

Stunted Electronics
Damn Stunted keep this up your going to have a forest mate! I was wondering what was in your pots before you mentioned sand I was thinking gelatin :crying:
from all the green:D in the cab it looks like stunted has seen the light:bow: what do they call it rehabilatation?:smoke: no more murder!:peace: maybe just a
little lst bondage and a healthy dose of s&m:smokebuds:
EDIT: Lighting changed to 24/0 for a while :)
Day 6 and most are doing well, there are two AAxSG that are a bit behind, AAxSG - IV is definitely being pulled tomorrow as it is beyond help and not worth the effort. It is the container at the back right in the picture.
Most plants have visible root growth at the drain hole and as such the watering schedule has been changed to once every two or three days depending on how much they drink.
382 ppm of Coco nutes is a little too much and there is a tiny bit of nute burn starting, many of the plants should be able to cope with it however, I may drop the nute strength a little if they aint coping well come watering day :P
Many of the MI5 and Jems are coming along nicely that you very much.
And well there is color in the cab, dull pinkish/purple on Jem - IV, one of the two Jems that got smashed with pesticide that they are still trying to recover from. Don't tell Wiz I trashed his good genetics :o

Picture from this morning:
28_Apr_2012 [1024x768].jpg

I would like to point out here that this is my first time using actual Coco specific nutes so I have just been keeping the ppm's pretty low, 382ppm is they highest they have had and that was yesterday morning.....
I went to the NF website and looked at thier feeding chart and well to me it seems like a good way to burn plants.....
See, what do others think of this?
So I am now looking for a decent feeding chart....

Stunted Feeding
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Yet another little update :)

Day 7
Watered at lunch time with 344ppm Coco nutes @ 5.7ph, the early signs of nute burn have abated so the next feed will likely be 400ppm

And the killing starts already :D
AA x SG - IV has been Terminated - FTG (Failure To Grow)

AA x SG - III is going to get killed unless it speeds up the growing a bit :P
Everything else is looking pretty good so far.

Group_29_Apr_2012 [1024x768].jpg

The two black square containers are self watering ones and have four MI5 in each, if these work well then I will get another six, sex in smaller containers then tier into the square ones....or some shit like that.

Jem - I and Jem - IV will likely be taken from their current containers and both put together into a smaller one, they are stunted and are only being kept for the few seeds they have on them.

Stunted Variety