That's nuts!! I was out camping with some guys and they asked me if I get her stoned. I said I shotgunned her a time or two, but not really. She'll chomp at my smoke cloud sometimes. Aaaaaaaannnnnnd that was the end of the Convo. Weird I thought. I've only done it 3 or 4 times. Then, you're all talking feeding leaves!! I realize it probably isn't enjoyable for her, so I really haven't done it since she's was like 6 months.

That food looks scrumptious!! Happy Sunday!!

Very few animals enjoy actually getting high. But because of the way we treat our plants, the fan leaves are packed with nutrients I guess. Rabbits adore the stuff.

The fan leaves have very little thc and the bioavailability of it in fresh leaves means pretty much none gets in the blood stream.

I did own a staffie that would follow a joint around after a blow back. If he got to stoned he'd cover his snout with his paws. I suppose he must of liked it.
The way I look at it is this....if I do something like blow smoke in my pets face to get them high, that's not giving them the choice. Most animals probably don't like it, if for no other reason than all they know is something isn't right (or normal) with themselves. Some might, and I get that there are dogs that come running and begging whenever their people break out the bong. But it's just not my thing to get a pet of mine high that way.

If my dog or cat is sniffing around the plant and chooses to nibble a leaf that I offer (fan tips sugar from me), than that becomes their choice. Mine used to enjoy them, but last couple plants seem not interested. I think the dog' s just not vegetarian enough and the cat has his ponytail palm plant to munch on so gets his greens there. :smoking:
My pups love most veggies and fruit,and by now you guys know that if i dont supervise them,they will lumberjack the crap outta my plants,if im defoling or trimming they are right there to eat what i give em,there is two yorkies that just nibble a fan leaf blade,but the lab mixes,whoa,they would kill a plant if i let em!!
Heres Magic' baby picture
and here she is now wanting some leaves
this girl is her big sister ,Precious, and they are the "Defol Patrol" team