Bwahaha,thats crazy Maggie( Magic) she was in a frenzy and that was right before she tried to chomp a tail..i had one pup that i could take fishing cause he never needed a leash,this pack would bolt into the forest and get lost!! Each pup has their own personality and the things you will always remember them for..i had a chow chow that loved to sleep in the snow,the Humane Society showed up one day and sat in front if the house for about 20 minutes,gets out and walk to the gate,about that time the chow jumps up outta the snow ready to protect his turf,the HS guy said a neighbor turned us in for letting the dog freeze to death outside,he had the shi* scared outta him at the gate tho.. The pup would not come in the house until dark ...i raised him from the day he was born..went to FLA with me and took a plane back to CO..miss that guy!!