
A LITTLE morning stroll with the big boy
I wonder if he's scenting?

I caught our cat pissing in the sink three times... Copying me obviously.. And scenting. [emoji6][emoji111]️

I don't think so, but hard to say. He like leaves in general and does the same thing with my cannabis plants if I let him. This palm was in response to a croton plant I used to have there that he would chew on I had to move because they're toxic to cats. So I think he just likes leaves. If he is scenting, there are other, much worse ways he could be marking his space, so I'll take it. :smoking:
Get a little worried about the pooch's eyes with how he likes to stick his head out the side of the open top Jeep and the car window. Soooooo.....

First time trying on a new pair of Doggles. So far he'll tolerate them if distracted by a treat or something. Given time he'll start pawing at them. Does well enough with them that I think he might get used to 'em, though.

Like that they're UV protection also, so if he'll wear them they can help out when we go for walks in the Winter on really bright, snowy days as well.:woohoo:
Get a little worried about the pooch's eyes with how he likes to stick his head out the side of the open top Jeep and the car window. Soooooo.....

First time trying on a new pair of Doggles. So far he'll tolerate them if distracted by a treat or something. Given time he'll start pawing at them. Does well enough with them that I think he might get used to 'em, though.

Like that they're UV protection also, so if he'll wear them they can help out when we go for walks in the Winter on really bright, snowy days as well.:woohoo:
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Ha ha he looks cute but cool
Well, so far he hates them. Tries to paw them off constantly. He did finally kind of "give in" toward the end of a drive when we went out this evening. Stopped pawing at them, but then just laid in the seat and kind of moped there in the way he does letting me know he was NOT happy. lol

But...at least he did stop fighting them for a bit and laid there. So there is hope that he'll get used to them. It would be nice if he could try 'em with his head out the side of the Jeep, realize that his eyes feel WAAAY better while doing that, put two and two together and start liking the things. But I think that may be just wishful thinking and a bit beyond the reasoning power of the average Shih Tzh. :cools:
Rocco had his second confirmed snake kill of the summer,something is causing him allergies so this is why he had to get a bath..after running and shaking himself all thru the house,hes taking a nap
his brother Tito came to check on him and is now taking his nap
and this last pic shows Tinkerbell in her favorite spot,well,any pillow is her favorite spot honestly..
she is the rescue dog who was abandoned by her owners,estimate age is 10 from the Humane society,she is mrs lees dog
Rocco had his second confirmed snake kill of the summer,something is causing him allergies so this is why he had to get a bath..after running and shaking himself all thru the house,hes taking a napView attachment 625624his brother Tito came to check on him and is now taking his napView attachment 625625and this last pic shows Tinkerbell in her favorite spot,well,any pillow is her favorite spot honestly..View attachment 625626she is the rescue dog who was abandoned by her owners,estimate age is 10 from the Humane society,she is mrs lees dog
Aw so cute my dog also has allergies we originally thought food allergy but now we think summer pollen he was on steroids and antihistamines