Absolute gorgeous dog Dave I would have called him JET for jet-black
Well his last name is Dog and he was supposed to be a short legged staff so I decided he was gonna be a Bonsai Dog eh [emoji23] Didn't turn out that way. He's actually a Labrador x Staff but I think that just makes him handsomererer

Well his last name is Dog and he was supposed to be a short legged staff so I decided he was gonna be a Bonsai Dog eh [emoji23] Didn't turn out that way. He's actually a Labrador x Staff but I think that just makes him handsomererer

It definitely does I think he looks like a pit in that pic
Fuck knows. Probably eat a shoe or a person knowing my luck. [emoji23]


Fookin Labrador genes mate, they'll eat anything!

I heard on the news yesterday, the first person to have a face transplant had died.. Turns out the reason she needed a face transplant is cos her Labrador ate half of her real one..

No shit! [emoji38]
Fookin Labrador genes mate, they'll eat anything!

I heard on the news yesterday, the first person to have a face transplant had died.. Turns out the reason she needed a face transplant is cos her Labrador ate half of her real one..

No shit! [emoji38]
Shiiiit That's probably what it'll be for me too lol

Young Chops. [emoji51]