State of AFN 2021

It really doesn't matter to me how the site is funded. I've donated a couple times and I sure don't have a problem helping out again ... and for as long as I'm able. I've learned so much here and i'm so thankful for this site and it's members! :toke: :peace: :pass:

P.S. I just noticed that we've contributed $400 already. Great job AFN .. way to step up! :d5:
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Go Fund Me works beautifully and allows for credit card and/or Apple Pay.
Took all of 3 minutes to complete !!! Let’s get this going .
I have been on site for a while and have never received anything , and I don't care one little bit . What AFN gives me is a friendship of like minded people who readily share their knowledge freely which has made me the grower I am today , I live in a small town and I would say I am the only one growing autos , other growers I talk to do not know what a auto is . I donate and will carry on donating . I find - Go Fund Me - to be very easy to use .:thumbsup: