State of AFN 2021

There are ads there already. Most of the general public would assume that these are paid for. They're not I should say but if they suddenly became paid what would change?
All I know is there are hundreds of members here and the budget is chump change. 5 bucks per member should fund the year with money left over. Why accept money from any outside source.
Fuck let the paying members do the testing of genetics and products. Fuck if there is a 500 light let the person awarded the light pay his 2 dollar a month fee for bonus privileges + 10% of the value of the product.
Yes I know if we pay so that we can play and there are not enough genetics to go around for all of the paying members that will cause issues....
Rotation as opposed to 1st come 1st in which I never liked anyway. If the next in line has a full tent or whatever then the next on the list gets notified. With all the volunteers helping with the process the added layer of a rotation should be no problem.
Just saying there are 1000 ways to do it. Needs to be fleshed out.
What other perks could be awarded to paying members. Perhaps breeders could be convinced to offer pre release seeds to AFN's paying members...
Instead of a random call out for financial support how about an official annual gofundme event. Every December 15th...
I gave 50 bucks. Not looking for recognition but if @Son of Hobbes PMed me and said hey Mike we are 100 bucks short of our budget i'd pay it.
It is not my site and I could not care less if vendors paid the bills. I was asked my opinion and gave it. I see zero need for any inference of impropriety to ever be implied or inferred. And yes the 2 now are officially interchangeable which just goes to show you how disgusting our educational system is. I mean really. People can't discern the difference between infer and imply??? WTF!!!
All I know is there are hundreds of members here and the budget is chump change. 5 bucks per member should fund the year with money left over. Why accept money from any outside source.
Fuck let the paying members do the testing of genetics and products. Fuck if there is a 500 light let the person awarded the light pay his 2 dollar a month fee for bonus privileges + 10% of the value of the product.
Yes I know if we pay so that we can play and there are not enough genetics to go around for all of the paying members that will cause issues....
Rotation as opposed to 1st come 1st in which I never liked anyway. If the next in line has a full tent or whatever then the next on the list gets notified. With all the volunteers helping with the process the added layer of a rotation should be no problem.
Just saying there are 1000 ways to do it. Needs to be fleshed out.
What other perks could be awarded to paying members. Perhaps breeders could be convinced to offer pre release seeds to AFN's paying members...
Instead of a random call out for financial support how about an official annual gofundme event. Every December 15th...
I gave 50 bucks. Not looking for recognition but if @Son of Hobbes PMed me and said hey Mike we are 100 bucks short of our budget i'd pay it.
It is not my site and I could not care less if vendors paid the bills. I was asked my opinion and gave it. I see zero need for any inference of impropriety to ever be implied or inferred. And yes the 2 now are officially interchangeable which just goes to show you how disgusting our educational system is. I mean really. People can't discern the difference between infer and imply??? WTF!!!

Honestly, if we went this way I'd probably just leave the site tbh. Pay to play is deffo not the way forward.
I am however enjoying some doughnuts

I will donate don't have much right now but the site and community and it's information and assistance is invaluable and I still haven't managed to even figure out how to post the journals I have as I use an app as well to receive anything free. Think it's awesome that people get to test and review but if I never did I would still support the community as I believe what you guys running the site do is phenomenal and very important in what is a critical and rapidly changing time in not only the history of cannabis with autoflower progression and legalization in areas but in humanity in general. This site and what happens here is important so I will find a way to make a donation. If it came down to ads to make things easier for the people putting in all the hard work here then so be it but I will definitely donate to what is a most worthy cause and investment of my funds and energy.
AFN is a community! And there are people here who can help learn to post a grow. I don't/won't use a phone for this but lots of people here do!

I will donate don't have much right now but the site and community and it's information and assistance is invaluable and I still haven't managed to even figure out how to post the journals I have as I use an app as well to receive anything free. Think it's awesome that people get to test and review but if I never did I would still support the community as I believe what you guys running the site do is phenomenal and very important in what is a critical and rapidly changing time in not only the history of cannabis with autoflower progression and legalization in areas but in humanity in general. This site and what happens here is important so I will find a way to make a donation. If it came down to ads to make things easier for the people putting in all the hard work here then so be it but I will definitely donate to what is a most worthy cause and investment of my funds and energy.
I've been on a forum where there was a subscription available. You got access to a couple non public areas you could post in. I know this hobby spans the legal and less so areas so maybe not as interesting.

Maybe access to giveaways and seed promos behind the "supporting members" section? It would cut down on spammers and single post just join to enter contest people.

The forum I paid to be on also only let vendors advertise and have their own section if they paid subscription style.

I don't know if that would work here.

That said, I donated a small bit a couple weeks ago and I will again. I love the free grassroots spirit you all have going here.
I’m on board with setting up PayPal , with an annual fund drive. This would allow anyone to contribute or not as their finances dictate.
Advertise away, if this doesn’t prove workable .