Cannabis Breeders Club

US based,
I reached out to Multiverse got a response asking if I had Instagram but haven't heard back since. I understand I'm new

Just sent an email to DC exchange.

If individuals in the US who would want to potentially team up I would be open to that.

North Atlantic seed?
Dropped all 5 seeds had 3 of them pop will start up blog in the next day or so
D' Oh Boy day 7
D' Oh Boys are still alive so they get their pictures taken today. :thumbsup: The third seed didn't sprout. Will give it one more week.

I'll increase DLI a bit this week, and lower the RH a bit as well.




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D Oh Boy
@CannabisBreedersClub forgot to tag you in my other two posts :doh:

Day 14 for D'Oh Boy. Had a bomb cyclone hit the island last Tuesday and lost power for 48 hours but the seedlings survived. :thumbsup:

Started a foliar feeding on them with 50ppm of Sea K Kelp from Greenleaf Nutrients today. If you want to try it out, click on this FREEPROMO and it will take you to their website page for the product. They also have a free sample offer on Mega Crop, so check that out as well.

Only watered the pots once. Started with good, moist soil, and bottom watered 2 cups last Monday. Pots are still heavy so a few more days until watering again. Will add 200ppm of Mega Crop and .5g of Epsom salt with that watering.

DLI at 20 this week and VPD around 1.



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D Oh Boy
Day 21 for D'Oh Boy

Gave em 3 cups of H2O (rain water) with a pinch of Epsom salts last Wednesday. Bottom watering/feeding.

Also foliar spraying every other day with Sea K Kelp from Greenleaf Nutrients.

DLI now at 30 and VPD around 1.10

Went to send the @CannabisBreedersClub web site to someone and it's gone :poof: Don't know if they are history or what. Anyways, i will keep posting updates.



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