State of AFN 2021

Hey everyone, love the feedback and thank you all for your support!

We do have a GoFundMe that was up from last year (and we hit our goal, raised about $2400, which covered site fees, got us our technical work done (man that sucked soooooo bad,) got us a plethora of add-on's, even a custom developed add-on (our photo gallery poll is a custom developed add-on.)

So I'll get you guys the link to it here, not sure if I need to reset it somehow or just keep it going, etc, but it's still live and active.

As far as the banners go, is that something we should put to a vote in a poll? Do both?

Does it matter which vendor? You all prefer a seed bank or breeder up there? Doesn't matter?

And for the record, we've never once shaded or slanted any reviews or testing we've ever done on the site. I won't name names (but in the backroom I will talk some shiiiiiiit,) but a certain lighting company (that is no longer on AFN) asked us to stage all the testing, to allow them access to all the posts and content to "revise" anything that was ill written, asked us to sign a legal agreement giving them that access/power, etc. We told them to eat a ****. And that will always be my answer to these companies that want to do that.

I want this to be transparent, I want our integrity to show through here with what we do here. We don't have to exist, we exist because we WANT to exist. And every effort to make this something other than our home has failed, so let's keep our home "our home." :hump:
I hope they had a good meal on their way out, and I hope the door nutted them on the way through! As if we would put up with that crap.
In for $50 as of two minutes ago. I am not fussed about the ads. If I were a vendor, I would actually want to support the site. Perhaps products supplied for testing or deals offered to members suffice, but perhaps other opportunity could be available as well.

As to the possibility of bias, I think the risk is pretty small. BS is not going to last long unchallenged around here.

Step up if you can peeps, this community is more than worth supporting. :pighug:
In for $50 as of two minutes ago. I am not fussed about the ads. If I were a vendor, I would actually want to support the site. Perhaps products supplied for testing or deals offered to members suffice, but perhaps other opportunity could be available as well.

As to the possibility of bias, I think the risk is pretty small. BS is not going to last long unchallenged around here.

Step up if you can peeps, this community is more than worth supporting. :pighug:
thanks so much
Super easy and well worth the investment! Jump in!!
you guys rock
Gave AFN sumz cookies today :smoking::jump::d5:
thanks so m,uch
Broke as a joke but really felt the need to do what I can! This site has been a great tool for learning!Keep on keeping on!
it all adds up ben and thanks so much
So if the goal is $2400 for 2021 then we at 25% there already with $672.

Remember if things are tight for you this year maybe next year will be better. Those of us walking in tall cannabis are happy to carry the load!

Happy Holidays!
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Thanks to all keeping this place jamming! I will be doing my part as soon as I can! I havent yet but moneys about to be good soon so I'll be making a $50 to $100 donation at some point in the near future. I mean the donation will make up for some of the free seeds I've gotten thanks to this site and all the great breeders here :headbang: If it weren't for this amazing community I would of failed hard and honestly I would of gave up years ago. The great people on AFN teach me so much and have guided me on lights and soil and nutrients and just help me to succeed. When I was down on my luck this place gave me hope and faith to not give up. Thanks for that! :pighug: