Indoor ☆☆Star does Black Stone from the portal gift shop☆☆

FYI The Mumbling Dragons are a bit old seed stock, took me three seeds to get a seedling. On the third try I changed my method to the paper towel & it worked. After my current run I'm thinking of going for broke with the rest of the Mumbling to see if I can get a breeding pair & return seed stock to NW & Stone.
FYI The Mumbling Dragons are a bit old seed stock, took me three seeds to get a seedling. On the third try I changed my method to the paper towel & it worked. After my current run I'm thinking of going for broke with the rest of the Mumbling to see if I can get a breeding pair & return seed stock to NW & Stone.
How old were the seeds and how were they stored?
And what method failed the first two times?

Seed storage and germ rates for "old" seeds is something im always interested in learning more about and hearing what other people have experienced.
I watched a video on youtube that was done by "vader" who is a breeder for "ocean grown seeds" i guess and in the video he said that a "100ppm solution of ga3" can help with germinating old seeds.
Hopefully this helps someone else. Its something i had in my notes but have no experience testing yet.
FYI The Mumbling Dragons are a bit old seed stock, took me three seeds to get a seedling. On the third try I changed my method to the paper towel & it worked. After my current run I'm thinking of going for broke with the rest of the Mumbling to see if I can get a breeding pair & return seed stock to NW & Stone.
i planned on breeding mine as well i know i deff want more of them.
@Smorf according to NW, the breeder, new seed stock of Mumbling had not been made in four years. I don't know how they were stored.
The first two attempts I soaked the seeds for 24hrs in a solution of 1qt water and 2tsp Poseidonzime (Nectar for the Gods) portioned out into a shot glass. The seeds popped and a bit of radicle exposed but the seedlings weren't viable. The third attempt I soaked the paper towel in the solution, placed the seed in the paper towel for 24hrs then moved it to a Root Riot before it popped.
Mumbling Dragon was available for a limited time through the Autoflower Portal Gift Shop. I don't have any info on the lineage other than it's a Dragon cross by NW, sorry. I actually went back through the Gift Shop today looking for lineage info on all my strains from them.
I do know it purples up more often than not.
It said Purple AK-47 x Duurty Dragon on the portal shop when it was listed.
Thank you! thats pretty interesting, now im really excited! id like to see how they turn out since one of the parent strains for my cross (pinkie) was also purple AK47

do you know anything about duurty dragon? lol sorry