Indoor SS Blue Himalaya coco grow journal

Nov 11, 2016
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Hi everyone! I was having a hard time finding much info about this strain so I figured I would start a journal.
Strain: SS Blue Himalaya
Light: Roleandro 200w full spectrum COB
Nutes: Maxibloom
Dec 9 I placed a single seed in a jiffy pod. 3 days later it was out of the soil and standing strong. I placed the pod in the bottom of a solo cup and covered it with a soda bottle done to keep the humidity up.
Dec 15 I mixed up a batch of well rinsed coco and perlite. 50/50 ratio. I also mixed up a batch of Maxibloom at 136ppm ph5.9 I poured 16oz of this around the jiffy pod in its new home. This is what I have so far. If anyone has any suggestions for my grow, please share. I am all ears. This is my first try with coco. And here are 2 pics. The first is from Dec 9 and the other is from tonight Dec 15.
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I fed my Blue Himilaya today. She got 2 solo cups of nute water at 150ppm of nutes. The plant looks healthy. She is standing short and the leaves are reaching towards the light. So far I am really liking the coco. It seems to be so light and airy. I think the drainage will be a huge help since I tend to over water a bit. I will update with pics Thursday night.
Also I changed my mind from using Maxibloom only. I read a lot about the Lucas formula, it sounds great but for my first grow with this strain I will be using a more traditional nute schedule. I will be using Maxigrow up until flowering. Once flowering has begun I will use Maxibloom. I also picked up a bottle of CalMag just incase it is needed.
She seems to be doing well in coco. Her 3rd set of leaves are showing and she is still standing strong. I fed her last night at 275ppm. If anyone has suggestions about using Cal Mag I would really appreciate it. I bought it because I read that it is common in coco that the plants could show a deficency. I also read that using tap water along with maxi series of nutes it may not be required. Long story short I would rather be safe than sorry.


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No major updates today. Her first calxys popped up over night. Some nice leaves popping up at the base of leaf stems. Will update with pics on Thursday.
The manufacturer of the nutes I am using suggests a flush after a week or 2 of feeding. Yesterday I flushed her with almost 2 gallons of water ph in the low 5 range. Run off ppm were low but the ph was 6.5. After that I fed her with ph 5.7 and 350ppm. I am expecting coco specific nutes to be delivered this week and will be finishing her with them. I hope they take care of the ph runoff issue. She is growing really nice at the moment. She stands maybe 4-5" tall and is filling out nice for a small plant. I will post some pics tonight.