New Grower SPZ's Sour Livers Triple Automatic Grow

I didn't have a chance to look at the seeds until mid-afternoon Saturday. Well I should have peeked sooner because they were not only cracked but a couple of them had tap roots that were making a run for it!

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I figured I better get these beauties in the ground post haste! I top watered each autopot with one liter of tap water mixed with full strength voodoo juice and quarter strength Pro-Silicate. I went easy on the silicate because it is a strong base and I didn't have any pH down (a problem that has since been remedied). This first watering was above 6.5 pH which is too high for hydro, hopefully it doesn't stunt anything. All future feedings will be pH'd.

I marked a pencil marked at 1.75cm and used it to make holes for the seeds. I planted each seed root down using tweezers. It was a pretty intense process my first time so I don't have any other pictures!
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Got a lil tip for ya on germing ur beans. When those roots start to grow they try to grow down and can't sitting flat so they grow in circles and back on themselves. Do what you did but prop up the towel vertically so the roots can grow straight down. I like my roots a lil longer when I plant.
4 Grape Crinkles with nice straight roots, easy to plant.

Good luck on your grow!! :vibe::vibes::vibe:
Thanks for sharing!
Got a lil tip for ya on germing ur beans. When those roots start to grow they try to grow down and can't sitting flat so they grow in circles and back on themselves. Do what you did but prop up the towel vertically so the roots can grow straight down. I like my roots a lil longer when I plant.
4 Grape Crinkles with nice straight roots, easy to plant.

Aye, exactly like you do..... I use the wife's make-up cotton pads, they're like double layer or some such, round and just the right thickness..... That way, when the tappies has reached the desired straight length, the filament hair roots are imbedded in the cotton pads, cut the pads into rectangular pieces suitable for sliding into a square-ish planting hole as the pot is held at an 45 degree angle or so.....still angled, fill gently with a little dry sand to keep the cotton cut-out in its rightful vertical upright position.... Return the pot to its normal resting orientation, and tamp down the medium very delicately, in my case coco, so the bean is just barely visible.....

I like a 15-20 mm long straight taproot and the beans spends a night or so in a glass of water, until sunk and a white swelling protrusion validates their flight clearance.... And yeah, the beans get rolled in and them cotton pads get dusted with Great White myco powder before disappearing.... And Orca, the liquid equivalent, is used during all wetting and rehydration efforts until week 2 or so together with a mild dash of Supervit, some root boosting whatever product I happen to have at hand, surfactant, Bioworm juice and FloraNova Bloom at 1/4 strength...... Note to self, get some pics of this!

Aye, suppose we all have our little quirky ways of getting the mundane stuff done....

Cutting a Root-It foam cube in half, inserting the cotton pad, reassemble with elastic bands or some strings works too and protects better so easier, but adds a step....
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Thanks for the tag everything is looking great so far I can't wait to see what comes from this triple auto grow... Good luck!
Looking like a great start. I'll be checking In to watch the progress.

Welcome @Mizzo81, I'm super stoked to be posting my first grow! :smoking:

And so it begins....!!! Good luck gromie! Its a super exciting time for you! I get that feeling every grow! You are super prepared and set up for success.. This has to be the best 1st time grow set up Ive seen! You will kill it Im sure!

Thanks for the kind words, @Prophetiko. I'm trying to emulate the best grows I could find here on AFN so I know I'm on the right track. That black cream you pulled off is the shit man, hope I get some plants that look like that!
Hey @SPZ , looks like you're off to a great start. Make sure you have plenty of cal mag in hand because with the cobs you may well need it soon! :thumbsup:

:crying:Thanks Elle, I've got a full bottle of the CaliMagic and I found a hydro shop with a really good vibe that opened recently, so I can always make an emergency purchase if needed!

Thanks for the tag everything is looking great so far I can't wait to see what comes from this triple auto grow... Good luck!

You and me both, I don't know if I'm going to be able to wait 65-70 days! :welcome:
Got a lil tip for ya on germing ur beans. When those roots start to grow they try to grow down and can't sitting flat so they grow in circles and back on themselves. Do what you did but prop up the towel vertically so the roots can grow straight down. I like my roots a lil longer when I plant.
4 Grape Crinkles with nice straight roots, easy to plant.

Good luck on your grow!! :vibe::vibes::vibe:
Thanks for sharing!

Hey thanks for the great tip, Pepe! Actually those curled up roots caused me much consternation and I had a bear of a time planting them while keeping the helmet of the seed pointing up and the root down. I will prop the bag up vertical next time for sure, those look a lot easier to plant right-ways-up! :thanks: