Responding in purple cause this is easier for me lol.
Hey everyone! I haven't even begun my grow yet and I already feel SUPER overwhelmed about it all. Granted I have severe anxiety, so I'm sure that plays a role in said feelings of overwhelmed.
First, take a breath. We all have to start somewhere. We've all screwed up, its how you learn what works and what doesn't. It's part of the journey of growing.
-2x2 or 3x3 tent (my concern with a 2x2 is the maximum height of 48"...valid concern or not really?)
I started in a 2x2. I very quickly realized I wanted more space (or, I was told I needed more both by the fine folks here and my husband) and ended up with a 4x4 under my Christmas tree. But! I really enjoy the 2x2 still as well. You just have to be mindful of the space you are working with and plan your grows with the space in mind. I specifically chose strains that were described as staying small, and then did a lot of various training to keep them as small as possible. You can definitely keep the fan outside of the tent, and tbh you can put the filter outside as well. If you get a slim light (I *love* my HLG100 Rspec, and they have a discount code for AFN members) and mount your fan and filter outside the tent you will only lose as much space as the light needs for headspace. With running short strains and/or doing intense training I have had zero issue with running out of height. You want to make sure you get a quality light though, I had two of the 100W spider farmer lights in my 2x2 to start and my one RSpec blew the pair out of the water. I've had anywhere from 1 to 7 plants in there at a time but that was purely for my own curiosity, not something I would advise.
-Super soil (just add water during grow?)
1000% yes, but make sure you do your research. There are some really great organic growers on here who are more than happy to help! I believe @pop22 has a guide somewhere.
-2 plants, both a different strain (open to recommendations (1) strain for daytime anxiety control, (1) strain for nighttime enjoyment and sleep)
Love this, 100% doable in this space.
So my original plan was to attempt a DWC setup, but after some research and Q&A with experienced growers I decided that I should maybe wait for a later grow to try DWC.
(good call
(0) What's the difference between a dry amendment and a nutrient? Or is a dry amendment just the term for the process of adding nutrients to soil?
Technically dry amendments *are* nutrients, but when you see people talking about nutes more often than not they are talking about bottled/powdered salt nutrients. Dry amendments would be things like kelp meal, guano, etc that get added to the soil during the grow to recharge the soil with food for the plant (or really food for the microbes to make into food for the plant). Dry amending would be the action.
(1) I love the idea of prepping everything beforehand and just adding water throughout the process. I see growers running various super soils that mention top dressing and dry amending during their grow. Is that for deficiencies during the process, or is there just not really a way to get all the way through a grow without adding nutrients?
The biggest factor in this imo is container size. A living soil is going to do better in a larger container if you want it to be water only due mostly to volume but also in stability in moisture levels and such. In organics you are feeding the soil (and its microbial herd) and not the plants themselves as you would with bottled nutrients. Which means that keeping that herd happy is gonna be a top priority. Just like with our plants, they have conditions they thrive in, and others that they can just kinda get by in. I'm actually about to start two plants in a single 10gal in my 2x2 with living soil myself. Having started with salt nutes because I thought all this soil stuff was too complicated, I cannot say enough about how much I love using a no till living soil lol. It has taken so much stress out of growing for me. Last I saw build a soil doesn't have their take and bake kit available currently but that is what I went with and I absolutely love it.
(2) I have heard great things about
Nature's Living Soil. Which to my understanding is a "concentrate" that you add into your soil (i.e Fox Farm) prior to planting your seed. Correct? And if yes, from there on is it just add water?
Stay far away from NLS, I have seen nothing but problems from it. I bought some when I was toying with the idea of doing organic without researching first and quickly realized I had made a mistake.
(2a) How does this differ from
Bio360 "BioALL" that doesn't seem to be a "concentrate" to add to anything. No Fox Farm or other soil required? Which would mean that the bioALL is your medium, correct? And then just add water throughout the grow?
I've actually never heard of this brand or product so I'm not sure, but there are premixed water only type soils available. I know a lot of people use BAS, Kis, promix, etc but I've never used the prebagged myself.
(3) Is there a way to prevent bugs/insects from the start of the process? Is that a "controllable", or will there always be threats of bugs no matter what?
Some bugs are good, springtails, rove beatles, isopods, worms, etc. As far as other bugs, fungas gnats are most common. Things that require a plant host will be less common as long as you're not bringing plants into the house, at least to my understanding. It doesn't hurt to keep neem oil around just in case, though pray you don't need it cause that stuff is noxious af.
On ANOTHER note, I found someone local to me selling the following for $225 - is it worth an hour drive?
Vivosun Grow Tent Setup
- 2x2 tent
- VS1000 LED light
- Straps to adjust lighting
- 6" inline duct fan (240 CFM)
- 6" duct work
- 6" carbon air filter
- 6700 mAh USB fan
- One pair of sunglasses
Nope. Starting with quality gear is the way to go, that way you're not wanting to upgrade in a few months when you get into the swing of it. Like I said, super highly recommend the RSpec (if you look in my grow journal in my signature you can see the WMD I just harvested from under that light like 3 posts back, she was grown under 100w in my 2x2). Mars hydro has an AFN discount code too and they have really nice quality tents. As far as the fan and filter, I like the ones I got from Mars but I don't know a huge amount about them. I run a 4" in the 2x2 and a 6" in the 4x4. I use a 40 something inch tower fan in the 4x4, but I've used two tiny USB fans in the 2x2 with no issue.
If you're seriously leaning towards a super soil I would recommend doing a living soil in an earthbox, its about as simple as you can get. @WildBill is the resident earthbox guru, and @Fermented_Fruitz and @nizmoKush are both organics peeps as well. There's a bunch more, but I'm high and can't think of anyone rn.