New Grower SPZ's Sour Livers Triple Automatic Grow

Alright, I'm going to allow this thread to die and start new grow threads since things have changed and started a new batch of Northern Cheese Haze(!). I'll invite folks to the new thread once I get it posted. I've been reading as much as I can to try and figure out what happened, so I'll end the thread with a post mortem. Here are the mistakes I made as I've come to understand them:

1. Using unbuffered coco. You can use unbuffered coco but you should chemically buffer and charge it yourself first which I did not do. If the coco is just raw unbuffered the salts in it can chemically lock out things your plants need. I got a lot of great information from CE's coco guide. Since the coco I used in this grow had bad mojo by my reckoning I just tossed it and bought some premium buffered shit at the hydro shop for my next grow.

2. First watering of coco should have 'charged' it with low ph water mixed with cal mag, instead I had a stoner moment and used un-pH'd water and silicate instead, this only complicated point one above.

3. Attributed problems to over watering and tried to dry out the coco, probably a bad idea. Indeed the coco had more initial moisture than the model I'm following, but from what I've learned in my reading it is very hard to over water coco because it naturally holds so much air, and drying it can exacerbate pH and lockout problems. I may have been able to salvage the grow with an aggressive flush of properly pH'd water charged with cal mag, but then I wouldn't have gotten into this mess if I'd known to do that in the first place lol.

If anyone has any other ideas, disagreement, agreement, by all means let me know what yer thinking! It's been a learning experience and I hope this info can help others avoid my mistakes. I've started my next grow and I'm hoping for better outcomes, but I'm sure the universe has a few more lessons in store for me yet!

Looks like you learned the hard way unfortunately but I bet you aren't going to make the same mistakes again! Sounds like you got it really figured out for your next grow too tag me and I'll follow along again best of luck!
Hey all, thanks for following along with this grow, wish it worked out better! The thread for my next attempt is right over here. I'll try to tag up everyone from this thread.

Yup, I'm pretty sure transplanting to a smaller container and flushing would have been the cure if I'd figured it out early. The pH of the coco was going crazy like Archie said, cause I screwed up a few of the key steps in the preparation of the media like managing the amount of moisture and buffering with cal mag which I'm starting to understand is pretty important.

Ah well, the only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. Or some shit like that.