Grow Room Smorf's Micro #4: Mephisto northern cheese haze

I broke mine after the 4th or 5th use, bulb just shattered and i didn't hit anything, was just a really thin bulb, plus mine kept creeping ph wise so said f-it, ill get a good one some day but not confident with the yellow ones.
Totally understandable. I iniatially bought two, one for me, one for a friend, but they shipped 3. I took two and gave one to my friend.

The one of my friend broke after 3 months, just like yours. Gave him my second one and we now use them for nearly 2 years...
Day 48
Gave 26oz water with 0.3ml mammoth p, 2.5ml biothrive bloom and 2ml camg+
Phd to 6.4-6.7
Will check soil ph tomorrow to make sure its still good.
@Mr. Sparkle what nutes are you using when you use your api test kit to test water with nutes in it?
I think my water is too brown after adding nutes so its making it always dark yellow after i add the three drops for the ph test.
When i do its either my maxibloom/gro which is quite clear at concentration or its runoff which can be quite dirty, but if its yellow its yellow the trick with dirty/colored water is watch the drop as it goes in it should give you an indication if what your seeing at the end is correct.

Also from my experience adding pretty much any nutrients does drop the ph, also just ballpark it trying to get it perfect will drive you crazy, the other thing to is with ph-ing solutions ideally you should never over correct as in go one way too far with ph adjusters then try to correct that with more ph adjusters, my advise there is to just dump it and start again.

I'll try and grab some dirty water pictures if i can to help you, might be in the next couple days though.
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Thanks @Mr. Sparkle
I think i will continue to ph feeds as best i can with the api kit and i will keep an eye on soil ph with my acurate 8 probe and make adjustments if needed.
Soil ph was 6.4-6.8
I think this strain might be a heavy feeder.
Next time i will feed recharge, 0.3ml mammoth p, 2.5ml biothrive bloom and 2.5ml camg+
Was thinking 3ml each of biobloom and camg but im not sure. Maybe the next feed.
She does seem to be doing good. putting on more frost, getting fatter, more pistils turning orange and shes drinking good. Im guessing day 70 she will be ready:pass:
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Day 50
Gave 25oz water with recharge, 0.3ml mammoth p, and 3ml each of biothrive bloom and GO camg+
I completely forgot to take pics until i already put her away and turned the light back on.
I will post some pics tomorrow when i check soil ph again.
She is still looking good but was looking like shes consuming more of the fans.

Low odor still. Using ona gel though. There seems to be a slight cheesy smell without the ona gel. Nothing remotely offensive though, its mild and pleasant. Hard to put my finger on it when i squeeze the buds.
I feel its kind of hard to describe smells myself. If anyone else has grown this id love to hear your take on odor in flower. @All I HAVE how was yours bud?
Day 52
Gave 25oz water with 0.3ml mammoth p, 3ml biothrive bloom and 3ml GO camg+
Seems like she hit the switch on frost and smell now.
Buds have a nice kind of musky fruit smell or something when u get close then smell cheezy/lemony or something when you squeeze them.
Still not strong odor but im going to top off my ona jar with some fresh ona gel.
If i get atleast a half oz i will be happy. My first three grows were all about 20g
I will take some pics with a measuring tape as i get closer to harvest so you can all have a guess at weight.

Found her good side :smoking:
@Smorf Alright here you go this is still gonna be hard with these pictures.

Alright the first one is just straight water, the left side being just after dropping in the drops and the right after it was shaken up, being that the base ph liquid is yellow once you drop it in you can notice it start to change color so long as the ph is higher than 6.0 which is the lowest for this scale, but in this case in person i would of put the ph at 6.8-7.0 instead of the 7.2 it looks like in the photo.


Now here is some dirty water which is some of my organic coco mix with a bit more EWC mixed in just to make the water a lot dirtier for this example, now this is where it gets tricky taking the far right as an example "shooken up" one would say that the ph is a 6.0 or under due to its color, but looking at the center picture you way notice the water right near the top has a slight green tint to it and not the yellow of the ph liquid by itself or what a 6.0 or under would look like, so because i watched the drops go in and noticed that slight green hue, to me i would put this in the 6.4ish and under range as up close when the drop are put in they give off that color with a tad more yellow, which when you consider the base liquid is yellow then that is indicating that the ph is higher than the base 6.0, at first its hard to tell but after you do quite a few its actually pretty easy to get it in the rough ballpark of around 0.2ph or so, and i have backed that up when i had a meter kicking around.

Now if your water is dirtier than this, just go get a decent meter as this isn't gonna work, but on average my water isn't this dirty and there are a few tricks to getting this method to work, say for example your measuring run off, i put enough water that i know the ph of through a pot so that its just starting to run out a little bit clear which is only about 10% run off or so then i leave it there and come back in 20mins-hr, and then put in just enough water into the pot for it to start dripping again, typically i don't have to add any and can just squeeze the pot, but i catch those couple drops and use them for my test, so because i let the water sit slightly and i know what went in it pretty easy to figure out if things are out of wack if your testing for that, which usually if it's the case you flushing anyways and will be checking as you go along till things are balanced.

The other trick is just collect your sample water in another container and let it sit for awhile as any heavy particulates typically will drop out over time causing your water to be clearer in the long run, that and or run it through a coffee filter.

So if your water is clear it works great but when its dirty its not as easy a decent ph pen, but to me its just as quick and gets me in that 0.2ph ball park pretty quick, once you can tell.

Day 54
Gave 22oz water with recharge, 0.3ml mammoth p, 3ml biothrive bloom, 3ml camg +

Looking like she will be done between day 65-70 i think. Going to go by a combination of trichomes, pistils mostly orange, and if/when she slows down drinking.
Website says 65-75 days so right in the middle at day 70 probably cant go wrong.
Already seeing some amber trichs here and there. Pistils look almost half orange half white.