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Grow 1.0 Day 51
Watered plant no.2 or is no.3 I'm getting confused...lets just call her the medium size plant (can't think of any middling names)... 4ltr, 1ml grow, 3ml bloom, 1ml AV big bud.
She is smelling lemony with a hint of bins (that's trash cans for you guy and girls across the pond), pub bins to be precise.
Watered plant no.1 (runty)...4ltr, 1ml grow, 2ml bloom...she is not smelling strong yet, looking like if I get 2oz of her I've done well, she is well stunted and behind.
Grow 1.2 day 23
Watered all 3, shared 4ltr between them...1ml PM silicon, 1ml grow, 3ml seaweed.
Nikita (AK49) and Tracey (Big easy) are taking there training well (even though I snapped a branch of Nikita, I think she has forgiven me). I will be able to place the scrog over Tracy tomorrow she is 1cm from touching. Will be a couple of days until Nikita really forgives me then I recon the scrog will go on.
Stumpy (big easy) surprisingly has bounce back a bit and is giving it some welly. She is still not as tall as the other 2 but has speed up. I'm not trainer her going for the traditional look.
Sorry no pics, phone is dead, left phone charger and camera at work...doh...how am I going to get on AFN when I'm on the shitter, tricky balancing the laptop on my knees
Grow 1.0 Day 51
Watered plant no.2 or is no.3 I'm getting confused...lets just call her the medium size plant (can't think of any middling names)... 4ltr, 1ml grow, 3ml bloom, 1ml AV big bud.
She is smelling lemony with a hint of bins (that's trash cans for you guy and girls across the pond), pub bins to be precise.
Watered plant no.1 (runty)...4ltr, 1ml grow, 2ml bloom...she is not smelling strong yet, looking like if I get 2oz of her I've done well, she is well stunted and behind.
Grow 1.2 day 23
Watered all 3, shared 4ltr between them...1ml PM silicon, 1ml grow, 3ml seaweed.
Nikita (AK49) and Tracey (Big easy) are taking there training well (even though I snapped a branch of Nikita, I think she has forgiven me). I will be able to place the scrog over Tracy tomorrow she is 1cm from touching. Will be a couple of days until Nikita really forgives me then I recon the scrog will go on.
Stumpy (big easy) surprisingly has bounce back a bit and is giving it some welly. She is still not as tall as the other 2 but has speed up. I'm not trainer her going for the traditional look.
Sorry no pics, phone is dead, left phone charger and camera at work...doh...how am I going to get on AFN when I'm on the shitter, tricky balancing the laptop on my knees