Indoor Skunk#1 auto-fem and auto Haze grow in kind soil.

Are going to keep them running 24/0? If not, you could consider switching lights off during the hottest hours of the day.

That pointing upwards is called "praying". That's considered a good thing. Healthy sign. Loving life.

I felt exactly the same as you, about not going crazy on my first grow and didn't do much. But on my second grow I followed this LST example thread:

And you know what? It's easy! Your plants look very healthy. Why not try it on one of them?
I've been running 24-0 I wanted to start 20-4 when they start to flower is this a good idea? And I will look into the training I want to do some lst but just want to make sure I have a good grow don't want to fuk anything up lol!!
I've been running 24-0 I wanted to start 20-4 when they start to flower is this a good idea? And I will look into the training I want to do some lst but just want to make sure I have a good grow don't want to fuk anything up lol!!
And also thanks for the advice and encouragement!!
Well, don't forget, I'm a noob, still. Also, not everyone gives autos nighttime. I do, but it's an ongoing debate, I think, whether it's necessary with autos or not. I switch from 24/0 to 18/6 at week 3/4. I do this to keep temps lower during daytime and a bit higher during nighttime so they stay at a more constant temperature. Less fluctuations is good imo.
It saves on the electricity bill.
And, even though this hasn't been properly proven, if it is true that giving autoflowers nighttime makes them healthier in some way, as some growers believe, that's just a bonus.
Downside might be that yields is less, because above theory isn't right. But at 18/6 yield is enough for me, so.

Only thing with doing LST, is: don't try to bend new shoots! Bend them from a lower point of the branch where it's still bendable and not woody. First touch some branches and carefully feel when to stop bending. When in doubt to go any further, stop.
Sounds scary, but you'll get the hang of it. It's fun to do and is sure to up your yield significantly. Maybe not your first go, but hey, you're now growing too learn as well, right?

If you mess up, I'll send you a seed!
Looks like your getting solid advice @Cotton46 !! But you know me and my stubborn ways, id bend and break the tar outta that plant!!!! Do it Lee style!!... m only kidding.. i started with LST before HST and extreme domination over the plants... I have also ran 24/0 at the start then switch to 20/4..but mostly just 24/0 start to finish.....
Looks like your getting solid advice @Cotton46 !! But you know me and my stubborn ways, id bend and break the tar outta that plant!!!! Do it Lee style!!... m only kidding.. i started with LST before HST and extreme domination over the plants... I have also ran 24/0 at the start then switch to 20/4..but mostly just 24/0 start to finish.....
Thanks man after smoking a bowl and thinking on it I'm gonna let them grow and leaf tuck my next grow I'm gonna get more into some lST right now when I water I get nervous hahaha so think I'm gonna put the training off this grow! Not for any reason other than I'm just to nervous at this point! My yeild will be decent if I keep them healthy im thinking the lights I think I will leave until they start to flower then flip to 20-4 the heat has been the shts here so it will help in that way but if it will change my yeild I will leave lights on 24-0.
Skunk hasn't had water for 5 days so I give her 20 ounces this morning and sprayed the Haze real good and the water was distilled with recharge mixed in it I notice the little rounds leafs on the skunk them first ones are yellow and looks like there gonna fall off hope that's normal? But other than that they look good today! I check my soil PH it is still just a tad under 7 so it looks good I will check it tonight again since I watered IMG_20170823_055809.jpg IMG_20170823_055836.jpg IMG_20170823_055840.jpg
Skunk is in it's 3rd week from coming out the ground and Haze is in second week when if so or will they have a big growth spurt before and after flower or will they continue steady growth like they have been?
IMG_20170823_140618.jpg IMG_20170823_140605.jpg IMG_20170823_140558.jpg IMG_20170823_140546.jpg IMG_20170823_140543.jpg IMG_20170823_140510.jpg IMG_20170823_140503.jpg IMG_20170823_140451.jpg took a few more pics lol when I went to check my soil pH after watering this morning with the recharge and true to form so far still a solid 7 and both ladies look like they have grown since this morning hahaha