Indoor Skunk#1 auto-fem and auto Haze grow in kind soil.

Ten days old for my Haze it's looking awesome as well!!! IMG_20170821_054622.jpg IMG_20170821_054648.jpg IMG_20170821_054654.jpg IMG_20170821_054708.jpg
YUP YUP :) looking lovely. you may wanna pull them temps back a smidgen if you can.will help in the upcoming weeks,very soon.
I'm in a hot zone ATM that 88 is about as high as it has got like now it's 83 I got the carbon full blast fans full blast I'm pretty maxed on options on heat hoping weather chills out after these next few days!!! And thanks I'm getting dammed excited!! Lol
IMG_20170822_133903.jpg IMG_20170822_133851.jpg IMG_20170822_133638.jpg IMG_20170822_133602.jpg IMG_20170822_133431.jpg IMG_20170822_133428.jpg IMG_20170822_133421.jpg IMG_20170822_133415.jpg IMG_20170822_133411.jpg Day 15 for the skunk I've only watered her so far and tucked two leafs lol it's been 4 days since I've watered her and the neater says moist on the bottom so I will water her tonight or in morning. She looks good to me if what I've read about this strain and being an automatic she should be in sex stage and after this she will stretch more I'm hoping she will but looks good so far and looking eye level she reads 4and half inches tall lol.
The Haze same care as the skunk except I only water with a spray bottle until this Friday then I will give her first water I used recharge on her yesterday also she is at eye level 3and a half inches tall both look good to me but being my first I wouldnt know if they did probably but so far just water and recharge and music in background temps are staying around 82-86 couple times went to 88-89 when I had door open. But when closed goes back to pretty consistent 84-86 at night goes to 82-83 so this update for me I'm happy with it!!
looking good just keep your PH right with KS it can get wacky
this is my KS test check it out good things in their.:woohoo1:
Won't let me go to that link but I want to read it over though best way to avoid mistakes is watching others!!!! KS so far I've only watered but when flower takes off I've heard is when problems start and I'm sure the roots have got the KS by now?
Won't let me go to that link but I want to read it over though best way to avoid mistakes is watching others!!!! KS so far I've only watered but when flower takes off I've heard is when problems start and I'm sure the roots have got the KS by now?

yes that can be true just keep a eye on the ph
yes that can be true just keep a eye on the ph
Been reading your link wow bro you grew some fatt buds with it and as I read there really not many issues with it I only use distilled water and my soil pH show 7 and little under at times but so far a hard 7 but I'm gonna read more after my dinner and couple hits off my box lol and appreciate you bro!!
Temps staying around 84 to 90 F. Can't figure out how to keep it under 84 ?

Are going to keep them running 24/0? If not, you could consider switching lights off during the hottest hours of the day.

View attachment 792602 View attachment 792601 View attachment 792607 View attachment 792608 Skunk is 8 days old and Haze is 4 Days old, I've had some issue with my temps got them figure out now room is staying pretty consistent range of 83-86F and humidity is around 55-70, so far temps is only issue I've had. I had some concerns with watering but Ripper got me lined out on that. Putting a few pics up things looking good to me. One thing I've noticed is leafs turn upward a bit but wondering if that's just the lumens the lights giving them?

That pointing upwards is called "praying". That's considered a good thing. Healthy sign. Loving life.

What I've read up on them the skunk 100cm and the Haze around that but don't hold me to it!! Lol and I only plan to leaf tuck this first time bro I want to tie down do some lst and if I see the Haze is gonna come in short I plan to raise her pot up to the skunk hight. Other than that I feel I'm to new to get crazy lol

I felt exactly the same as you, about not going crazy on my first grow and didn't do much. But on my second grow I followed this LST example thread:

And you know what? It's easy! Your plants look very healthy. Why not try it on one of them?