This is how you give rep slap my friend!

Bosh, have that right round the back of the head bro!
Dude you are rocking it like a rocker from rockingham university

You clearly absorbed a sheet load of knowledge and good vibes from your uncle as your plants look real happy mate. I genuinely believe that plants soak up positive energy and show you they are happy!
Be patient as others have said dude!!! It's THE most important thing in a way. The last weeks are the critical weeks in terms of quality meds. Reckon you got a couple of weeks plus on the [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and a good few weeks on your giant haze.
By the way I just want to type skunk#1 skunk#1 skunk#1 a few times now I've discovered where the # is on my MacBook!!

Keep up the amazing growing mate, you're on the home stretch and the forecast is good!