Indoor Skunk#1 auto-fem and auto Haze grow in kind soil.

IMG_20170829_065345.jpg IMG_20170829_065340.jpg IMG_20170829_065244.jpg IMG_20170829_065236.jpg IMG_20170829_065047.jpg IMG_20170829_065037.jpg IMG_20170829_065037.jpg IMG_20170829_065047.jpg IMG_20170829_065236.jpg IMG_20170829_065244.jpg IMG_20170829_065340.jpg IMG_20170829_065345.jpg update on my girls and there is not much to say still just rolling along I've not noticed any more tip burns I see a tiny bit on the Haze but other than that they seem to be doing good!!!! The Haze seem to be very small compact to me and seems to be a little slower than the skunk but I'm ok with that and there also not same age! I notice I'm getting a smell when I look in on them so it's not much just faint smell like a garden lol but I will be busy this week so may not update again for several days.