Indoor Skunk#1 auto-fem and auto Haze grow in kind soil.

And I want all you that is helping me to know I really truly appreciate you!!! And I hope I don't get on your nerves me being so noobish and nervous but I really have a great appreciation for you guy✌️✌️

no problem thats why im here people help me and im in turn i give back to my AFN FRIENDS.:cheers::worship::headbang::headbang::coffee::woohoo::pop:
IMG_20170826_061457.jpg IMG_20170826_061508.jpg IMG_20170826_061513.jpg IMG_20170826_061531.jpg IMG_20170826_061542.jpg IMG_20170826_061547.jpg quick update just been watering a little each day they both looking healthy im doing lST on skunk and I'm just gonna let the Haze go with simple leaf tucking. I do have a couple questions?
1. On the lst of the skunk would it hurt to put stakes down in the soil instead of the side of the pot meaning where I'm gonna hook on the stem just straight down at that point will it hurt my roots or anything?
2. On the watering the pots have felt dam heavy from day one before any water the bottom soil shows moist and I wait until meter gets close to dry then I give it a drink? Or should I give them a few ounces daily for the middle and top soil gets dry?
Sorry I can't get a grip on the watering it's really got my head twisted!!! @Pops just need to know if I should give a small drink daily or let all dry then give a good water?
Looking close at the skunk she is definitely female so I'm happy about that!! And the light cycle went perfect yesterday so I got that tuned in and it's keeping temps in check!!! Let me know what y'all think guys but I'm getting fired up can't wait to get Blistered off these girls!!!
plants are looking good,so keep doin what you doin.
watering can be tricky to get to grips with,so many variables garden to garden/grower to grower.
a spare pot same size as using with the same soil sat in the corner no seed no water.that is my best guide as what a light pot feels like and when to water it.
good luck n keep er lit.
Looking great, man!

I have drilled small holes in the rim of regular pots and hook the garden wire through there for LST. I wouldn't recommend sticking them into the ground. Besides, that wouldn't hold for long anyway. The branches will keep on trying to move upwards and will just pull it back out of the ground.
Looking great, man!

I have drilled small holes in the rim of regular pots and hook the garden wire through there for LST. I wouldn't recommend sticking them into the ground. Besides, that wouldn't hold for long anyway. The branches will keep on trying to move upwards and will just pull it back out of the ground.
Ok that's what I will do!!
IMG_20170826_182348.jpg IMG_20170826_182345.jpg looked in on my girls there still looking good I watered them both less than 6oz of rain water I lifted the pots and the Haze pot was light and the skunk was still a little heavy but not much more so I just give the Haze a decent water and a small water for the skunk neither got more than 300milliters I check the pH it's still 7 so things looking good what I did notice is after starting to lst the skunk it's starting to smell a little just a hint and seems to be growing faster now that may be the age of her she has already showed sex but she just looks to be liking the uniform light!! And my timer for my light cycle is fucking awesome now my temps stay under 85 and they was 80 a solid 80 all day so I'm glad I went with a bit of quite time for them!!!!
IMG_20170827_053129.jpg IMG_20170827_053124.jpg IMG_20170827_053040.jpg IMG_20170827_053026.jpg IMG_20170827_052039.jpg Drop some pics this morning both still look good the skunk looks like I cut a small spot on its leaf hope it won't hurt things with it!! And I checked pH thus morning it's still 7 and I'm not sure why but I tied the Haze over a bit I'm gonna spread her out as well, I'm also gonna turn my pots around this evening just twist them in a circle maybe help more light to other parts.