Good morning SandDog, any mix that is peat based is going to have that issue. Peat Moss is naturally acid (some more than others) so they add limestone to it to bring the pH up. Most liquid nutes are acid as well so the combination slowly uses up the limestone. As EOF said if you watch the pH of your water and feeds you can extend how long the limestone will last in the mix. It is not a big deal you just need to watch the pH of what is going in and also check the pH of the runoff regularly and adjust to keep things in the sweet spot
If you can spring for an Accurate 8 pH probe it allows you to check the pH of the soil directly which is more accurate than using the runoff method. Also works great as a moisture tester so you can check soil all the way down to the bottom of the pot to help you manage when to water.
If your cal/mag contains some type of carbonate that will also help extend the life of the limestone in the mix as will using tap water instead of RO or distilled water
Good Morning.
I have this Cal/mag plus
I didn't see anything on the label about carbonate.
I'll be using tap water, and from what I understand I won't need cal mag very feeding? Is that correct?