Grow Mediums Setting Up Your Auto Pots

@pop22 How are you guys measuring water volume in the res? It would be nice to have liter/gallon markers to monitor daily water usage.
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I never even considered doing so. I take a look at about day three to check the level and judge when a refill will be needed. Except for the first 1-2 weeks, I fill my res full usually. Day five I make a batch of RO and add the nutrients, ph it, and let it sit in covered bucket for 2 days, then check ph again before it goes in the res.

@pop22 How are you guys measuring water volume in the res? It would be nice to have liter/gallon markers to monitor daily water usage.
@pop22 How are you guys measuring water volume in the res? It would be nice to have liter/gallon markers to monitor daily water usage.

simple solution would be to keep a yardstick handy.
That’s me pop! I have my metal yard stick and that gives me a rough guesstimate of level. Like in know measuring dead center with five gallons in it is very close to 10.5 inches. Only thing it gives you is another measurement to record, how many inches of solution your girls are drinking a day.
I use a white 8 gal waste bin from Walmart as a reservoir. I marked 1 L marks on the outside of the bin with a Sharpie and simply shine a flashlight from the outside and can see the level from the inside. My set up is small so it would have been hard to set the res where I could see it from the outside.
Another tip to share: I use a gold mesh coffee filter placed over the factory sponge outlet filter and wedge it in place with a piece of pvc pipe cut to length. Since I use Mammoth P all grow and Rapid Start and Voodoo Juice early on, this filter can be kind of slimy by the end of the grow. I also run a small submersible pump to keep the nute solution well mixed.
Keep an eye on your trays using organics in the res it tends to plug up the lines and valve inlets.

I use a white 8 gal waste bin from Walmart as a reservoir. I marked 1 L marks on the outside of the bin with a Sharpie and simply shine a flashlight from the outside and can see the level from the inside. My set up is small so it would have been hard to set the res where I could see it from the outside.
Another tip to share: I use a gold mesh coffee filter placed over the factory sponge outlet filter and wedge it in place with a piece of pvc pipe cut to length. Since I use Mammoth P all grow and Rapid Start and Voodoo Juice early on, this filter can be kind of slimy by the end of the grow. I also run a small submersible pump to keep the nute solution well mixed.
Does anyone know the correct size hole to make for the top hat grommet on the res? I need to make another reservoir.
Does anyone know the correct size hole to make for the top hat grommet on the res? I need to make another reservoir.
The little grommet is 6mm

Although that's probably the inside dia for the tube. I'd guess at 8mm dia but id measure the grommet to be sure