New Grower Second half, first grow.

@Natsu , nice ! You should get a good harvest from them mate , I don't know a thing about pollination interesting stuff, I thought that if pollinated an autoflower all the seeds would turn out Hermies can't remember where I heard that and like I say I know nothing about it great job mate :cool1:
@richykn I've herd that, or something along those lines anyway. I used the Colloidal Silver reversal technique, where you select a plant, or bud in my case and spray it a couple times per day with Colloidal Silver and within a couple weeks it will start growing male pollen sacks that you can use to pollenate your selected mother plant to carry the seeds. Because the pollen sacks are coming from a female plant all seeds made with it will be feminised seeds. Thanks man:smoking:
@richykn I've herd that, or something along those lines anyway. I used the Colloidal Silver reversal technique, where you select a plant, or bud in my case and spray it a couple times per day with Colloidal Silver and within a couple weeks it will start growing male pollen sacks that you can use to pollenate your selected mother plant to carry the seeds. Because the pollen sacks are coming from a female plant all seeds made with it will be feminised seeds. Thanks man:smoking:

Following along mate interested to see your harvest you will have to post pics of all the seeds you get aswel as the bud , so will the polinated plants create a hybrid of plant that polinated the other ?
@richykn Yeah I will for sure. I originally planned to make pollen with one of my Afghan Kush's and pollenate the younger female Afghan to keep the strain going, but I will have some Purple Widow X Afghan Kush seeds. I'm going to back cross the Purple Afghan's with its self to second or third generation to stabilise the strain. I'm going to do the same thing with the Afghan seeds so I can selects the best traits and hopefully breed those traits into the genetics. I'll be doing that in 4-6 inch pots to keep them small and more manageable. I'll probably have to make a couple small tents or something like to keep them separate. I want to make some DIY LED's for those too. I'll probably make separate threads to document those projects and any other ones as well.
@Natsu sounds like you got a lot of things in the pipeline I just got back into growing after only completing 1 grow a couple years back , my grow space means I can only do 1 plant at a time and im struggling control just the 1 ,would love to have the room for a couple more in there and giving something like this a go one day .
@richykn Yeah haha. Good to hear you're growing again, Good luck for a heavy harvest. What size pots do you use? I'm going to keep my next grow in 1 or 2 gallon fabric pots to try keep them a little bit smaller. I want to top my next ones too.

Here's a couple pics of developing seeds from the smaller Afghan and one of the seeds that I removed from the Afghan that had the reversed bud. The first fully developed seed I found is germinating in paper towel right now and the shell is already split, so I'll probably just grow that one out in a solo cup once the root is poking out a little bit more. There are a ton of swollen calyxes on the young Afghan, and many all over the other plants.

Thanks @Natsu I'm growing in a 5gal single dwc , she's really took me by surprise and filled my small tent I'm really hoping she flowers soon and stops growing im on day 39 today . Thinking of going with a soil grow next with a scrog net so I can control it more and then maybe get a bigger tent after that grow and go back to dwc because I'm really enjoying growing this way .
Wow your already getting rewards with those seeds will the rest of the seeds ripen before harvest or will they dry with the bud ready to be picked after ? Nice pics mate and the girl looks nice and frosty too :thumbsup:
@richykn That's sweet, I've always wanted to try DWC, what strain are you growing? Thanks man, I'm hoping most of them ripen up before harvest, but I'm going to do a partial harvest so the seeds at the bottom have a little more time to develop and so it firms up the buds on the bottom a little bit more.
@richykn That's sweet, I've always wanted to try DWC, what strain are you growing? Thanks man, I'm hoping most of them ripen up before harvest, but I'm going to do a partial harvest so the seeds at the bottom have a little more time to develop and so it firms up the buds on the bottom a little bit more.

It's a Mephisto fugue state just had to do alot of defoliation to try and manage her better my journal is in the new growers section if your interested in dwc I'm still learning as I go but would definitely recommend it :pass:
Last feeding as 2 days ago, they got 4ml base A,B, 14ml Sweet& Sticky, 8ml Flower Stacker and 1.5 tbs Molasses mixed in 1.5 gal. I should have waited longer to start tapering them off the nutes. I will start the flush on the next watering for 7-10 days

Today the young one got 8ml Base A, B, 9ml S& S, 5ml FS, 2ml Golden Tree, and 2ml Cal/mg mixed in 2L water.
