New Grower Second half, first grow.

Just wanted to show off some trichomes, so here's some macro shots and one of the clones too.
Here's a couple pics of the bud treaded with Colloidal Silver, I didn't expect it to throw off as many trichomes as it did. Once it matures a little more and the pollen sack stat looking like they're going to open up I'm going to cut off the main bud and the remaining pollen sacks under it to prevent any unwanted contamination.

Looks like your doing a good job training the plant, the bend is perfect without breaking the stem.
@Pilgor95 The post above yours is the male bud on the female plant, I've been spraying that bud with colloidal silver to make it grow male pollen sacks so I can pollinate my younger Afghan and make feminised seeds. I've been training younger plant that will be carrying the seeds, but I don't think I have that photographed yet so I'll put one up of her with my next set of pics.
Today was feeding, I actually think I forgot to update last feeding, but both the young one and the 3 older ones got nutes, the young one got 3ml Base A& B, 3ml Sweet and sticky, 1 ml Golden Tree, and 3ml Cal/Mg mixed with 2L water. She looks a little rough so I probably could have given her 4 ml and 2ml GT. I started some LST with her, nothing big, just tied down her branches and left the main standing up.

The older ones got 14ml Base A& B, 15ml Sweet& Sticky, 6ml Flower Stacker, 6ml Golden Tree and 8ml Cal/Mg, I will be slowly decreasing Base nutes and upping Flower stacker for probably another 2-3 weeks then ill start my flush, I think the Purple widow will probably get a extra week of nutes but we'll see when the day comes closer. The male bud on the Afghani doesn't look like its going to finish too much faster than the rest at this point so I might have to plant another Afghani to carry the seeds so they have enough time to mature but again, we'll see when the day comes closer. Thanks guys. :smoking:

Finally starting to see the first true male pollen sacks, and to my surprise they do look like bananas haha. Maybe it will be ready in time to pollenate the young Afghani. I made some Colloidal Silver last night, I used 12 volt 2 amp and left it over night untouched, I definitely did not need to leave it for that long. I checked it with a laser pointer and I could clearly see a solid beam through it so I ended up watering it down 1/3 with RO water.
