New Grower Second Auto Grow - Crop King Seeds - Early Miss & White Widow

I think it depends on how much bud your trimming. For guys growing under a pound, trimming by hand is no big deal. In the 90's I woulda loved having a bud trimmer. We sat around for days of mind numbing manual trim.

I think a lot of that waste could be reclaimed from his trim bowl. Maybe An ISO wash on the grate ? Not sure, but I wouldn't let it go to waste.
How’s your Early Miss Monster coming along @Mavadines?

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Hey @Luepke42 good timing I think we're overdue for an update. Thanks for checking in

Day 132 for the EM and she is pressing the walls for space. Completely filling the 3x3 on her own now that the buds are starting to sag she hasn't been out of the tent in over a week. Housebound at this point.

I've been having some issues with soil PH swings and some burning on the tips and teeth. I'm pretty sure I had a bit of lockout as soil PPM runoff was low in the tests I did. Low 200's so I can't see salt buildup or overfeeding but I am not sure. Week 7 of flower now so I'm thinking this is the last week of feeding before going into the cleanse period. I'm hoping there is still plenty of fattening up to happen. Either way there is a ton of bud on this plant. In hindsight I probably would have taken more off the bottom to just focus all the energy on the top buds. If my tent was bigger then it would probably be fine and be able to get some light to the sides, however right now there isn't much light getting down past the main canopy. Here's a pic from yesterday

Early Miss - Day 132

I took these a few days ago but didn't have time to post them so am going to put them up now. You can see the burning that I referenced in my last post, however she sure is frosty. She has continued to fill out and I today was the last feed. I think I'm about 2 weeks away but it's always hard to tell

Early Miss - Day 136



Early Miss Solo Cup Clone - Day 76

Damn with all the grow battle alerts I missed this update.I had to search it to see where this girl is at. you're going to need to be careful cutting her down. If she lands on you a guy could get hurt..

Lovin the solo cup girl. They are like free bonus weed at the end of a grow. Not that you are going to need it after the big girl harvest.
I know what you mean, the notifications are endless with all these battle threads I'm signed up to...and even I am finding this thread a little stale thee days waiting for this thing to finish up.

I find the last few weeks the most bring I think. Yes the buds do fatten, but it's a slow process and it's day 148 for f%$k's sakes. Today is the start of week 22! I think I'm 1-2 weeks away from harvest. She's been in 12/12 now for 61 days...that's 9 1/2 weeks, just in flower. I find it ironic her name is "Early" Miss.

I haven't posted photos of the other 4 clones in a while but those have some decent sized buds too. Overall I am happy with the trichome coverage however the size of the buds are a bit disappointing. I think a lot has to do with her sheer size in the tent, it's almost like I'm running a scrog and no light is getting through below the top canopy. There's no reason for this thing to be over 4' tall from the soil except for the fact it had to veg for so long. I can only imagine if this was in the middle of a 5 x 5 and was getting solid lighting from the sides. Either way there should be a decent haul. It's only recently started to open up and let light through as the outside branches are all sagging pretty heavy now...I have to tuck in a few buds when I'm closing up the tent.

Early Miss - Day 148

Damn! That thing will be almost a half a year old when it is ready, Mav! That has to be some kind of record! Excellent job of showing patience like no one I have seen. Are you seeing this @ColoradoDreaming420 ?

The fact that your plant is four feet tall guarantees a huge haul! Excellent job, man! :slap::slap: