Now that's an idea! I spent all day training my plants, clipping leafs and inspecting for male flowers, its time for tea!
So I was out of town for a little while, had to leave my plants with some aqua globes for water. I got back and the soil was quite dry but the plants looked great! The main cola on the Santa is swelling up beautifully! I had to lower a few of the colas because they were touching the lights and had gotten a little burnt. Otherwise both plants are looking healthy and happy! I cut 1.9g wet weight in trimmed bud off the AKR. So very dense, so aromatic and today at day 50 they have wonderful crystals all over them. Yum!
I put a fan on the buds for the last 24 hours and have just started smoking. They have a wonderfully cerebral high, no paranoia wich I always have problems with and the potency is where I would expect some of the dankest photo bud I've ever had (also at about 2 weeks before harvest). I'm so happy! I don't know what to expect as a final yield. I was hoping for an ounce total minimum. I really need to read up on methods for determining when harvest time is.
The santa is putting up tons of colas but they appear to be about 1 week younger than the akr except for the top cola (which I lowered today. I'm still feeding with molasses and miracle grow bloom boost. No sign of burning, its tempting to use more.
I trimmed of a lot of fan leafs for my experiment with cloning from leafs only with bap. I also removed them from areas which allow for more light to penetrate through the plant to contact the buds. I also removed leafs where they were getting close to the lights.
BAP update: I soaked both plants in a 2000ppm bap solution this time with minimal alcohol and DH2O only. The plants really seemed to be unaffected in any negative way after applying this. The plants are lst'ed you must remember, but the bap is definetly keeping things very short. The tallest part of the plant is about 6" tall, the same height they were when they started to show sex. The longest distance from the centeral stem is also about 6-8." The amount o
f branching is so intense (especially the santa) that without lst they would probably be solid bushes much under 10" tall and probably 15 - 20 " in diameter. The amount of leafs I've removed from the santa's new branches is astounding.
Though I've never grown these strains before and there is no variable etc I would be very confident to say that BAP sprayed on the plants at 2000ppm really causes the plant to stay compact and produce many new side branches.
I'm working on uploading pics now. They are very low resolution. Anyone else using BAP? Anyone else grown either of these strains and have pics?