Indoor Santa and afghan kush ryder "stealth" grow + application of BAP

so its day 33 from germination and both plants are doing well!

Today i applied ionic/colloidal silver to a branch of the afghan kush ryder. the pollen will be used on itself as well as the santa. i hope to spray it once a day until i get results.

Today i also drenched both plants in a bap solution 0.21g/150ml. This time i used less alcohol and less soap because i fear that they were the cause of the damage on the santa. in the below pictures you see that the afghan kush ryder looks absolutely awesome but the santa is a little more yellow than green and after the first application of bap a few leafs at the terminal bud died. it seems to be recovering.

Right now both plants have been lst-ed, drenched in BAP and defoliated. I swore i would never do any fan leaf trimming on my autos but after the lst there were some leafs touching the soil which i didnt like and after the removal of 4 full fan leafs the bud sites are getting much more light. all in all the small amount of defoliating i did should do more good than bad.

So what do you guys think? at 33 days old they are both starting to put on the bud. if i had to grow only one of these two plants again i would go with the afghan kush ryder from world of seeds. ive found two male flowers on the santa and removed them (stress from the high alcohol bap solution?). its also growing a little slower and i love the leafs of the akr so much more, very sativa (not what i expected). I still have 200watts of cfl's going. ive been feeding with miracle grow bloom booster. im thinking of using some compost tea as well as molasses.

Since i don't ahve a control or a significant sample size i cant say for sure what the bap is doing. however i started applying it after both plants started to stretch out significantly. since then they have virtually stopped stretching. the lst (with out any topping) has done a great job in getting all of the branches (which there are a lot of) to grow out into their own colas. i cant wait till these are done!!!

so how many more days would the experts say these have? im thinking that 70 days total will be when they should get the cut. :drool:

When my runs get a bit too close to a jungle i will take a few leaves too. Helps with air flow if nothing else. Rarely do i see them slow up any from a few missing fans.

Surprised she is sati too.

You have a few weeks for sure. She'll go some place near 80 days i bet. If i had to guess.
Looks good, I bet it smells nice too.

P.S. where do you get BAP?
I got the bap off ebay. I'm considering making up solutions of the bap to sell on ebay since I know a lot of people don't like mixing it up themselfs. I usually use 0.15g bap to 150ml distilled water. First heat up 10ml of iso alcohol, add the bap swirl, then I add some moustorizing dish soap (just a drop or two, the lanolin in it helps the bap stick, and the detergent helps disolve the bap. After miing this I add some DH2O, swirl and pour in the spray bottle. Add DH2O until total volume is 150ml. This comes out to 1000ppm weight/vol. I'm thinking next time around ill make it 2000ppm.

I also make a paste, I replace all the DH2O with aloe, use less alcohol, and sometimes add a very small amount of lye. The lye burns away at the plant a little bit which can help absorption. I use the paste on my san pedro cactus. I used it on one opunita cactus, the pads usually only grow on the edges of the pads. I applied it to the center of the the pad and now own one of the craziest looking opunitas I've ever seen.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

its hard to tell I'm sure, but does anything look unusual about my plants? Branching more than usual, abnormally short or little tretching? My name is no lie this is my first actual grow so I have nothing to compare them to.

I just typed in bap cannabis on google and this thread shows up first! Sad really, this hormone needs much more research. I really feel that the sativa dominant akr (least mine is) definitely would be larger. My plants are only about 4" tall atm, also wit
h the help of lst
I'm new to autos, but as far as stretching- those look about right. Great use of LST to allow under-growth to come up. Supposedly releases auxins in the plant and stimulates more of the bigger colas (tricks the plant to think it's "up" is now somewhere different.)

Thanks for all the hormone info, it's pretty cool and I may try to hermie a male if I get one.
So I wanted to throw a few notes up here:

BAP is short for 6-benzylaminopurine. It is a cytokinin which causes blossom set, promotes cell division and has the opposite effect of ga3 on the height of plants. I've been trying to look at other pictures of the strains I'm growing at the same age to see if my plants are staying dwarfs and I think they are. This should help anyone who is having trouble finding the stuff. I would love for someone who has more space than I to try bap in an actual experimental setting with a proper sample size.

Ok the actual reason I made this post: I'm terrible at giving names, I would love to hear any input on what I should name these two. The afghan kush ryder is suprisingly sativa, a nice shade o green and all around my fave of the two. The santa is a little sickly looking, lighter green almost yellow leafs and slightly slower growing with fatter indica leafs. Ideas???
I'm not great with names either... but Santa's Little Helper would be good for the santa..

and thanks for the hormone info... i love to hear a hormone! lol
i like santas little helper! i was also thinking that mrs. Claus would be fitting for the santa as well. Anyone got ideas for the afghan kush ryder? it may sound awful but i dont mean for it to, i was thinking of calling him little Muhammad. That would be a play on the afghan orgin and the poopularity of muhammad as a name as well as the fact that its little.

im no good at this naming stuff.
Update, since another bap application (like others folir spray) I've noticed some good and bad. I'm really using lots of this bap solution I made up because when they are done I want it to be obvious that something was done different.

First good: Muhammad jr. Has just started putting on the resin! Sticky buds and leafs! Ohhh yyeah! Very hard to not sit out there and stroke them theen smell hands then repeat. Love it! Also still noooo stretching at all! No bannanas yet from the Ag treatment but I don't expect any for some time.

Bad news: Ms. Claus (or santas little helper?) Is no looking too great. No stretching at all for a while now but the leafs look like crap. Now both of these are growing in the same pot. Is it possible that the santa has a deficiency whil Muhammad jr is kicking ass? I know some plants are more sensitive etc. I really need to get more info on this strain from stitch.

Anyone try bushmaster on autoflowers? The blades of the AKR are getting thinner and thinner its lik a super mini plant that's very sativa dominant in leaf shape. Maybe it got mixed up and is not really a akr?
possible defiviency due to diff requirements... any pics? easier to diagnose
ill get some pics up tomorrow with the cannon xsi, my phone is just no good for pics. love this site!