Indoor Santa and afghan kush ryder "stealth" grow + application of BAP

now that make perfect sens to me now, thanks for the input!

well hopefully both seeds germinate then things would be ideal. I hope to only apply CS on one side of one plan, creating less male traits over all and allowing for a higher yield. If the HBD and HKR bother germinate im not sure which will recieve the CS treatment. Btw i installed a new security system. it turns off the light and fan o the grow box when the door is opened. Ive also finished the light blockers but untill i reup on expanding foam i cant install them and intermediate pics would be boring.

Anyone try out the Lions Tail? i
HBD; still no root visible.
HKR: root appearing to poke out of seed, slow
Santa x2 regular seeds from flash. i started these today to test the strain as well as for a seed run

hoping that the freeezer like storage of the seeds prior to starting germination didnt ruin the seeds.

Grow box: light blockers are done, im going over the whole setup with flat white PRIMER spray paint. i may do a light coat of flat white spray PAINT.
hoping that the freeezer like storage of the seeds prior to starting germination didnt ruin the seeds.

As long as they are good and dry before you pop them in there, they should be good to go. The freezer is where i keep mine, for long term storage. Haven't had any issues germ wise.
its snowing here, when the package arrived i was on vacation. i dont think it has been the cause of my germination results. maybe only the HBD is a no go. damn
Try them anyways. Wouldn't consider them done until they are tested DONE.

I usually do my orders in december. Never had an issue. You should be safe. When they fly the mail 30,000 feet up, it gets cold in cargo. So they are going to go through some kind of extreme no matter what.

Seeds are life, life is resilient. they'll be ok :D
And you couldnt be more right! i planted two Flash: Santa regular seeds yesterday. one has a 2mm root coming out of it already! thats the sorta vigor i like to see!

so in a very small pot for each the hbd, hkr and santa i put ffof followed by a spray oh water, 1 seed and a little covering of soil atop the seed followed by water. these pots are in the shalloew pot in the now done grow box

pictures to be posted today if i can get a chance. hate posting from phone!

im so excited!
Nice, karma sent mate!

The start of a new adventure begins today :p
karma, whoooo!!!! i need to figure out how to give that out.

recentley read BAP can raise probability that a seed will turn up a female plant. I know first hand that new shoots are produced when applied to the node. some people claim bap pumps up the amount of energy put into flowering...

im making the BAP spray tonight or tomorow, what concentration should i use? i plan to spray 1/2 the plant with this spray around the second node. then again right before sex starts to show. then ill spray bap at it several times during flowering depending on the outcome of the earlier applications.

im thinking between 500ppm to 2500ppm. most likley 1000 ppm. input?
Speed & Safety for them Noobalicious.......:thumbs:

I'll be watchhing too...haven't seen it done Live...
hooooray! ive got full on germination, with the cotyledans breaking the surface on the Santa and the afghan kush ryder. still no root visible on the hbd.

i know once a seed is viable the sex is pretty set. i cant even use the spell check let alone open up google scholar from my phone. so i havent read the article deealing with sex expression and bap.

i found the article searching google for bap cannabis. the abstract visible in the web search mentioned increase in the expression of female traits on cannabis treated with bap.

maybe bap is not ideal for this but if silver can make a female plant express male traits, why not the otherway around? im heading to the library tonight to do some actual research.

btw i think ill be making the bap solution at 1000ppmM disolving in hot iso OH then adding to water. ppm will be calculated by weight of bap to total solvent.weight.

ill have actual plants by the end of the day!