Indoor Santa and afghan kush ryder "stealth" grow + application of BAP

The Influence of Growth Regulators Absorbed by the Root on Sex Expression in Hemp Plants

i cant open the article on my phone but im sure someone out there is interested enough and is posting from a computer. its possible bap may just turn males into hermies, and keep the females female. this could be very useful if you only get seeds that turn out male. as long as you can afford less than a $1 in BAP and your not worried about a possible increase in herm seeds.

my afghan kush ryder will be female but my santa may not be. if the santa is male its getting soaked all over in bap.
Does the bap make the male turn fully female? or do you still get some pollen sacs?
thank you again for posting that. ill start applying 1000ppm bap to the Santa seedling soon as it has a full set of true leaves. or maybe until it shows sex. decisions! seed shells are off and the two plants are able to enjoy the light!
Update time, I'm sorry to not have pictures of the finished setup and seedlings yet. Ill try for tomorrow...

I'm really worried, my himalaya blue diseal never germinated and I'm hearing bad things about the world of seeds afghan kush ryder.

Does anyone know if the world of seeds afghan kush ryder is actually an autoflowering plant? As in it starts flowering regardless of photoperiod? I've read that some seeds in the past were not actual autoflowers. I only want to grow automatics!

So both seedlings have their first set of true leafs. The AKR is a little taller.

BAp @ 1000ppm will be applied once the sex of the Santa is known.

Last question, selfing a female plant treated with csilver produces female seeds$ if the santa is male and the treatment with bap creates buds, I would be selfing a male, does this mean all male seeds? Or maybe 75%male 25%female, That would definetley suck. I wish that there wasn't so much to worry about with the stability of these things actually being autoflowers.

Should I start my Short Rider? I've heard these have not been true to their description in the past.

Sorry to be so negative, I just really am worried that I won't get a single female autoflower out of the 5 seeds I bought. Unless selfinbg a male produces more than a 25% chance at a female seed.

Thanks, ill go do more research.
Does anyone know if the world of seeds afghan kush ryder is actually an autoflowering plant? As in it starts flowering regardless of photoperiod? I've read that some seeds in the past were not actual autoflowers. I only want to grow automatics!

I've heard that it isn't fully AF.

Your other questions, i haven't much exp with reversing so i'll leave those to some one in the know.
update, Both Females and BAP application w/pics

im sorry i haven't updated in a long time, Ive been nervous to go on this site and post from my the college library. anyway we could get an option to make the site "work friendly?" like the option to make the site very simple with out any big pics of weed or large text? just a thought.

so yesterday was day 20 from seed, the Afghan Kush Ryder from WOS showed its sex, FEMALE!!!! it was a fem seed but i was absolutely terrified that it wouldn't autoflower.

then today, day 21 from germination (for both) the Santa from Flash seeds showed its sex, also FEMALE!

I was really expecting things to not work out, getting a male santa and a non autoflowering akr, things couldn't be better. the only problem with this is that i wont be able to test the BAPs ability to make a male plant "turn" female. oh well. Until today i had NOT applied BAP at all.

However today i sprayed both plants, soaking them completely with 1000 ppm BAP. i let it dry then i went ahead and applied one more time. I know there is no control etc. hopefully ill get some good sized buds. i will wait a while to make sure nothing freaky happens then ill hit them up with one or maybe 2 more applications of bap.

im ordering some 999 silver wire right now to make colloidal silver. im thinking ill hit a bottom branch (or less) of both plants with the CS, then take the pollen from each, self them and cross them on two separate low branches. so that would make female seeds, Santa x Santa, AKR x AKR and 2 AKR x Santa. im willing to risk potential increase in hermies in the offspring. hoping to get enough seeds to last me a while and share (spread the herb!!!) :D

The plants are currently about 5" tall, have 6 sets of leafs (including the apicical pair). the leafs are very very Indica, nice and fat not exactly what i expected from the santa (genetics still unknown to me). im hoping i can find a Sativa dominant autoflower for my next grow the leafs are soooo pretty.

the smell really was noticeable today for the first time. i picked up a bunch of odor absorbing gels from the dollar store, cant afford ona, ozone or carbon at the moment.

today i gave them a very very light feeding with kelp extract. they are pretty dark green and healthy looking, im using ffof, i dont think its time for nutes yet. feedback? when i do feed im hoping to go cheap.

the only worry i have right now (besides the smell) is how long it took to show sex. for the AKR wos said that it should take 14 days from seed to show sex. ive read that 14-21 days is common for most people with autoflowers. do my plants seem to be growing at an ok rate? anything strange about em? the shallow pot worries me.

oh forgot to mention AUTOFLOWERS ARE FUCKING AWESOME!!! im so happy that ive passed the germination and sexing stage. 60-70 days is when i hope to harvest, im 1/3 of the way, so fast!


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today i gave them a very very light feeding with kelp extract. they are pretty dark green and healthy looking, im using ffof, i dont think its time for nutes yet. feedback? when i do feed im hoping to go cheap.

They appreciate a light feed @ sex..need a bit extra energy for the process.
your kelp extract will have helped.

Keep your eye on them..if they slow down...give them a little feed and see how they respond.

If you need cheap ferts...go for a good Tomato food...
look for the one for "Fruiting"...

Have a great weekend....:smoke:
Thanks for the help wiz!

I got some miracle grow bloom booster (I'm cheap) and gave em that at 50% streng
th. I applied bap once more, they really started to stretch!

I started the lst yesterday. I'm growing them along side the container hopefully increasing yield.

I hope to get my two .999 silver bars in the mail today so I can make the CS. One thing I'm still unsure of is the best time to apply the CS and the best time to pollinate.

Meanwhile can I change the thread name? Hbd didn't sprout, santa and afghan kush ryder instead. Thanks for all the help!
update day 33

so its day 33 from germination and both plants are doing well!

Today i applied ionic/colloidal silver to a branch of the afghan kush ryder. the pollen will be used on itself as well as the santa. i hope to spray it once a day until i get results.

Today i also drenched both plants in a bap solution 0.21g/150ml. This time i used less alcohol and less soap because i fear that they were the cause of the damage on the santa. in the below pictures you see that the afghan kush ryder looks absolutely awesome but the santa is a little more yellow than green and after the first application of bap a few leafs at the terminal bud died. it seems to be recovering.

Right now both plants have been lst-ed, drenched in BAP and defoliated. I swore i would never do any fan leaf trimming on my autos but after the lst there were some leafs touching the soil which i didnt like and after the removal of 4 full fan leafs the bud sites are getting much more light. all in all the small amount of defoliating i did should do more good than bad.

So what do you guys think? at 33 days old they are both starting to put on the bud. if i had to grow only one of these two plants again i would go with the afghan kush ryder from world of seeds. ive found two male flowers on the santa and removed them (stress from the high alcohol bap solution?). its also growing a little slower and i love the leafs of the akr so much more, very sativa (not what i expected). I still have 200watts of cfl's going. ive been feeding with miracle grow bloom booster. im thinking of using some compost tea as well as molasses.

Since i don't ahve a control or a significant sample size i cant say for sure what the bap is doing. however i started applying it after both plants started to stretch out significantly. since then they have virtually stopped stretching. the lst (with out any topping) has done a great job in getting all of the branches (which there are a lot of) to grow out into their own colas. i cant wait till these are done!!!

so how many more days would the experts say these have? im thinking that 70 days total will be when they should get the cut. :drool:
forgot the pictures

sorry forgot the picture. and i forgot to thank whom ever renamed my thread for me, thanks! these pics are all taken with my blackberry so the quality is super low. im sorry about that but at least its something.
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