Outdoor RYCBAR 2020 Outdoor Grow

Gotta love forecast data.

Yah we have a full week of rain coming up.

I will be moving the girls under cover.

To make the best of the situation, I watered early this week.

This will allow me to get 10+ days of no watering, without the pot 100% drying out.

Letting the plant work on building roots during the rain.

When the sun comes back, they should kick some butt.
Alf #5 has joined the party.
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mendo cookies after a few weeks in the sun ^ #2 pot.

weather is gonna turn hopefully earlier.

Moved into a 5 gal paint bucket. Its final home.

G14 is finally stacking some flowers. Got some decent stalks on this one. Hope she gets taller.

Better photo of the ladies. Stock camera app isn't that great.


Alf 5 kicking butt in the cold.

I am still blown away by the sun's power. It's incredible.. the weather on the other hand. Not so much lol.

The microbe's are just loving it too. Can feel the energy is just pouring down those roots.

For sure upgrading to a 600w from a 250w. When I got back indoors. I've gotten good numbers from it, but now I'm ready to pull some fat organic weight. Need that extra light.

Cindy is doing the best by far. The lovely smell of pineapple and rotten meat.


Alf 5 is looking lovely too.

This G14 auto might end up being massive. Or tiny lol. Let's see.
Hello mate ! The girls are looking great, intersting G14, Liberty Haze has G13 in her family tree. True the sun is powerful, but less so in winter here, but summer plants will get bigger I think.
Hello mate ! The girls are looking great, intersting G14, Liberty Haze has G13 in her family tree. True the sun is powerful, but less so in winter here, but summer plants will get bigger I think.

Ah thats right. Other side of the world.

Thanks - I grew out mk ultra before this. G13 is pretty decent, not my 100% fav but was struggling to find chem seeds/clones.

Been growing photos for the last 2 years. Really excited to get back to autos, miss that fast turn around time.
Alf is praying already.

Girls were happy to see the sun.
