New Grower First Indoor Grow - Gorilla Glue by Fastbuds - Quantum Boards - Organic Grow

Lekker man! And thank to you too, will be following along!
Here a shot of the full tent! anyone have a guess at what's cracking with those two CBD strains on the left? Seem to be yellowing a tad between the veins. recently transplanted and the soil is pretty hot!

Alrighty, so this flowering lady is really drinking a lot more than I expected - although she is only in a 10 litre pot. Its super light within 24 hours and I water till run off. She is progressing nicely and shooting out pistils - on the advice of a fellow I have actually stopped defoliating her now.


Next up is the GG that I topped!

and then the one I fimmed - but i actually might have missed haha and just topped!

In fact I have stopped defoliating and removed ties off the two vegging ladies as well, trying to give them space to stretch as they have just shot pistils out. For some reason I look at them and just wanna cut off the fan leaves blocking the bud sites and new growth! But I will keep my scissor happy finders away from them and let them do their thing! Im probably gonna try a scrog next grow!

Feel free to advise or comment away guys, hope you enjoy! Peace out, hope all your ventures are going well:smoking::smokeit:
Good looking tent yo!
So im a big fan of defol. Like a fan leaf blocking a budsite is an affront to my sensibilities or something and i wanna cut it!
Im going to try and make it a point to let a plant grow natural this round, no topping or defol, maybe some bending/lst but yeah.
Whatever youre doing tho seems to be working for ya, lots of happy ladies in that tent!
Sheeeesh, it’s been a while since I’ve been on! Sorry life got me by the balls at the moment!! And will do so for the next few months[emoji2373] even been away from the ladies for 4 days and then a week [emoji24] now away again [emoji2373]

Anyways here some update/progress photos!






That lady photo was when I got back and shit got wild - plants just took over and exploded with growth!











Right so chaps and gals, there’s my photo splurge. As you can see things were looking absolutely beautiful, the oldest plant is really stinking out my whole house, and the others are flowering nicely! Im very happy with the oldest plants development - took her out to have a look and then bam. PM, damn PM.

Too many leaves and plants in that tent and too little circulation, so I took all the plants out except the flowering ones! Then I stripped down the ladies with a haircut and tied em down again to open them up. Pretty heavy defoliation on all three - risky but I need that air flow.

Cranked the fans up to full speed and now I’m hoping for the best - it’s the absolute worse being away from these babies :( anyways thanks for reading guys! I’ll check in ASAP!

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o-o-o-kay, so here we go again, a thread that me have no idea how i've missed :rolleyes2: oh but wait, this one was started on me birthday...well, that most def explainz it then...:rofl: anyhoo, too bad bout the pm, but yup, good airflow in thru & around the girlz is def importante' ;) i meself am a big fan of defol, probly to a fault, lol, but again, good airflow is key, as well as lettin light in...jus my 2 ctz :thumbsup: ppp
o-o-o-kay, so here we go again, a thread that me have no idea how i've missed :rolleyes2: oh but wait, this one was started on me birthday...well, that most def explainz it then...:rofl: anyhoo, too bad bout the pm, but yup, good airflow in thru & around the girlz is def importante' ;) i meself am a big fan of defol, probly to a fault, lol, but again, good airflow is key, as well as lettin light in...jus my 2 ctz :thumbsup: ppp

Hehe the birthday shenanigans definitely would have contributed to that! But rather late than never right?? Thank you for joining aboard! I should have tagged!

Thanks for the confirmation - anything I can do at this stage? Do you reckon it’s gonna spread all over?

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Hehe the birthday shenanigans definitely would have contributed to that! But rather late than never right?? Thank you for joining aboard! I should have tagged!

Thanks for the confirmation - anything I can do at this stage? Do you reckon it’s gonna spread all over?

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hey, thx for havin me along :d5: a good man to talk to bout the pm would be @the green bandit ...his time frame can be a bit upside down, cuz he livez in oz ya know (hehe, wavez to me m8 :biggrin:), but i'll see if i can rustle him up ;) might be later tomorrow tho...or earlier yesterday...or however the hell they tell time down there :rofl:

p.s. me jus updated me journal if ya wanna take a peek...:smoking: ppp
Thanks Oz! Any tips on the first sign of PM? Reckon it’ll ravage my sweet ladies?[emoji24]

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You got powdery mildew? Damn! Get some yucca extract, use it then spray them down good with neem oil!