There all at day 24 and my Blue Toof is Day one lol IMG_20180101_162404.jpg
I have her in a very small pot, My skunk I have growing is probably the biggest of the three but this next couple weeks I'm sure I will see all them explode ✌️ I will take some pictures tomorrow it's so cold I'm trying to only open the room once a day I have it fixed so I can see temps and light from my bedroom lmao
I will use the elemental every week now and I'm also using Mammoth P already but I'm only giving half of what it suggest I'm not gonna be to pushy this grow and I've also got them all tied down just enough to open the stock up ✌️
Don't open the tent just for a pic. That's cool. Is you extraction fan turned down or off? I had too also. Itss way cold here, much more than normal
I have it turned off for now!
Weather says it's gonna warm up in a few days I'm staying around 71-76 so it's good for now hopefully I can keep it here lol